ls-F built-in command for tcsh: List files


ls-F [-switch …] [file …]


In the tcsh shell, ls-F lists files like ls -F, but works much faster. It identifies each type of special file in the listing with a special character:
Block device
Character device
Named pipe
Symbolic link
If the listlinks shell variable is set, symbolic links are identified in more detail on systems that have them.
Symbolic link to a non-directory
Symbolic link to a directory
Symbolic link to nowhere
listlinks also slows down ls-F.
If you use files that are set up as follows:
#creating a file
   touch file1
#creating a symbolic link to the file
   ln -s file1 link1
#creating a directory
   mkdir dir1
#creating a symbolic link to the directory
   ln -s dir1 linkdir1
#creating a symbolic link to a file that doesn't exist
   ln -s noexist linktonowhere
when you issue an ls-F with listlinks unset, you will get the following output:
> ls-F
dir1/ file1 link1@ linkdir1@ linktonowhere@
with listlinks set:
> set listlinks>
dir1/ file1 link1@ linkdir1> linktonowhere&

If the listflags shell variable is set to x, a or A, or any combination thereof (for example, xA), they are used as flags to ls-F, making it act like ls -xF, ls -Fa, ls -FA or a combination ls -FxA. On z/OS systems, ls -C is the default. However, on machines where ls -C is not the default, ls-F acts like ls -CF, unless listflags contains an x, in which case it acts like ls -xF.

See tcsh — Invoke a C shell.

Usage notes

To view an online description for the ls-F command, you must type ls-F without the dash. To see the man page, for example, issue:
man lsF

Related information

ls, tcsh