z/OS BDT Commands
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I,P — Display the Status of Jobs by Priority

z/OS BDT Commands


Use this command to display the status of jobs of a designated priority.

The information displayed includes the job name, number, priority, status at both the from and to nodes (queued, active, canceled, scheduled), hold status, DTC network ID, and whether the job has been rescheduled or canceled.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
           '-I-------'           |      .-10--. |   

is the prefix that is appropriate for your console or terminal. Do not use a prefix when submitting commands in a batch job.
displays the status of jobs of the indicated priority. The value for prty can be from 0 to 15. 15 is the highest priority and the first to be scheduled.
N=nn or ALL
specifies the number of jobs of the designated priority for which status is to be displayed: nnjobs or ALL jobs. If you do not specify this parameter, the first 10 jobs of the designated priority will be displayed.

Usage Note

You may need to be authorized to use N=ALL.


BDT issues this message:
BDT8612  JOB job-no job-name, P=prty, {(Q|A|C|S)}
         TO {(Q|A|C|S)} [H=(OPR|,URS|,NET|TQI)],
         [NET=net-id] [,{RESCH|CAN}]

Examples of displaying the status of jobs by priority

  1. Using a prefix of *S,BDT, display the status of the first five jobs of priority 04.
    BDT8612 JOB 3723 PAY3, P=04, (Q) TO (Q) H=(,NET),
    BDT8612 JOB 4100 ADW22, P=04, (S) TO (Q)
    BDT8612 JOB 4670 DYD512, P=04, (Q) TO (Q) H=(TQI)
    BDT8612 JOB 1866 UBE235, P=04, (Q) TO (Q)
    BDT8612 JOB 2074 SJJ5054, P=04, (A) TO (A)
  2. Using a prefix of *S,BDT, display the status of all jobs of priority 12.
    BDT8612 JOB 2280 PAY16, P=12, (Q) TO (Q) H=(,NET),
    BDT8612 JOB 3984 9490ATL, P=12, (S) TO (Q)
    BDT8612 JOB 4008 DOB812, P=12, (Q) TO (Q) H=(OPR)
    BDT8612 JOB 4789 KGA5058, P=12, (Q) TO (Q)
    BDT8612 JOB 5096 PFM5091, P=12, (A) TO (A)

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