z/OS BDT Installation
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BDTUX04—Unrecognized Keywords on BDTNODE Statements for File-to-File Nodes

z/OS BDT Installation


Customization (optional).

General Description

This exit routine allows an installation to define and process unrecognized parameters on BDTNODE statements that define file-to-file nodes. BDTINR1 invokes this exit routine.

The BDTNODE initialization statement is used to identify all the nodes with which an installation can transfer data. A BDTNODE initialization statement also defines a node to itself. The BDTNODE statement creates the control blocks necessary for communicating with all the nodes in a network.

On the BDTNODE statement for file-to-file nodes, attributes of that BDT system can be defined, including global-local relationships, passwords used for establishing sessions, node name, and virtual logical units (VLUs) and how they are fenced.

BDTINR1, the module from which this exit routine runs, reads the BDTNODE initialization statements and builds intermediate control blocks that later become the line control tables (LCTs) and the resident logical units tables (RLTs). BDTINR2 converts the intermediate control blocks to LCTs and RLTs.

BDTINR1 recognizes only virtual logical units assigned to the interfunction communication manager (BDTIFCM), or to the transfer of data. The user exit routine functions as the first step in allowing an installation to define a VLU other than these two types. BDTUX05 in BDTINR2 must also be coded to process information passed in the intermediate control blocks built in BDTINR1. BDTINR1 invokes the user exit routine before entering error processing for invalid keywords on BDTNODE statements.

Register Conventions at Entry

BDTXCALL linkage is used to establish the interface to the BDTUX04 user exit routine. Registers 2-14 are saved by BDT ASAVE processing.
Register 1
Contains the address of a three-word parameter list:
Word 1
Address of the unrecognized keyword encountered on the BDTNODE statement
Word 2
Address of the unrecognized keyword value
Word 3
Address of a halfword field containing the unrecognized keyword value length
Register 11
Contains the address of the initialization data CSECT, BDTINDT.
Register 12
Contains the address of the BDT TVT.
Register 13
Points to the register save area set up by ASAVE processing.
Register 14
Address of the return point, which is saved in BDTGRSV.
Register 15
The entry point address into the BDTUX04 exit routine.

Register Conventions at Exit

Because BDTXCALL linkage is used to establish the interface to the BDTUX04 user exit routine, registers 2-14 of BDTINR1 are saved in BDTGRSV. You must store registers 12, 13, and 14 in an area you provide (either an area obtained by GETMAIN or one within your user exit routine) and those registers must be restored on return to BDTGRSV by register 14.
Register 14
Address of the return point, which is saved in BDTGRSV.
Register 15
Used for delivering a return code value from the BDTUX04 user exit routine:
RC 0
Indicates that the BDTUX04 user exit routine recognizes the keyword as user-defined.
RC 4
Indicates that the BDTUX04 user exit routine encounters an error while processing the keyword, but the error is not severe enough to fail BDT initialization.
RC 8
Indicates that the BDTUX04 user exit routine encounters an error while processing the keyword that is serious enough to cause BDT to terminate initialization.


BDTINR1 invokes BDTUX04 when it encounters an unrecognized keyword on the BDTNODE statement for a file-to-file node. BDTUX04 is passed the address of the initialization work area (BDTINDT), which contains the address of the keyword and associated keyword values If the user exit routine determines that the keyword is user-defined, the return code is set to 0 (in register 15); BDTINR1 continues to scan for keywords.

If the exit routine does not recognize the keyword, it passes a nonzero return code back to BDTINR1. A return code of 4 indicates a warning; however, initialization continues. A return code of 8 indicates a severe error; BDT initialization is terminated. BDT displays the bad keyword message for both return codes 4 and 8.

Recovery the Exit Routine Must Establish: You should provide ESTAE protection for your exit routine. If your user exit routine does not include an ESTAE, an ESTAE exit routine in BDTABMN performs clean-up in the event of system failure.


Point Where Exit Routine Receives Control: This exit routine receives control when an unrecognized keyword is specified on the BDTNODE statement.

Address Space in Which Exit Routine Runs: BDT address space.

Task under Which Exit Routine Runs: This exit routine runs under the TCB established for BDTINIT.

PSW State: Supervisor.

Storage Protection Key: BDTKEY (key 8).

Data Areas

Mapping Macros
  • BDTDINT to map the initialization data CSECT
  • BDTDREG to map the registers (required by BDTXRTRN)
  • BDTDTVT to map the TVT (required by BDTXRTRN)
  • BDTDRLT (&ENTRY=INISH) to map the intermediate control blocks used to build the RLT
  • BDTDGSD to map the GSD (required for coding an ESTAE)
Executable Macros
  • BDTXASRV to invoke abend services during abend recovery processing

What If BDTUX04 Is Not Used?

If the exit routine is not provided, the error handling for the unrecognized initialization statement issues error message BDT3243. It displays the unrecognized statement. BDT initialization eventually terminates. BDTINCD processing continues by reading the next initialization statement.

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