z/OS BDT Installation
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z/OS BDT Installation

BDTDTUD creates text units to describe the keywords used in a BDT transaction. This macro is called by BDTDKYWD.

Use the BDTDTUD macro to define additional text unit descriptors when the transaction keyword you are defining has more than one text unit associated with it.

The text unit descriptor contains a skeleton for the text unit which the BDT language processor will build when the associated keyword is entered on a transaction. It describes the syntactic rules for the keyword values and for the text unit parameter values.

&label   BDTDTUD            {FIXED}
                    &TYPE=  {KEY  }
                            {VAR  }
                            {TERM }

                    ,&TUNUM= 1
                    ,&TULNG= 1
                    ,&MAXLEN= 255

                    ,&OPT=  {YES}
                            {NO } 
                    ,&MAXVAL= x'FFFFFFFF' 

                    ,&NUMERIC=  {YES}
                                {NO } 

                    ,&CONVERT=  {YES}
                                {NO }

                    ,&LAST=  {YES}
                             {NO } 

                    ,&DATU=  {YES}
                             {NO }
Parameter Subparameter Explanation
&label   Optional positional parameter that specifies the label associated with the first statement generated on the macro execution.
&TYPE=   A required parameter that specifies the type of keyword to be generated.
  FIXED Indicates that the keyword is a stand-alone keyword and may have no values. OLD, NEW, and MOD are fixed keywords.
  KEY Indicates that the keyword has a list of valid values. Only the specified values as defined in the KEYS= operand may be entered with this keyword on a BDT transaction.
  VAR Indicates that the keyword being defined has a value associated with it, and it is variable.
  TERM Specifies that the end-of-list terminator be generated. This is a required parameter that is used for the last occurrence of the BDTDKYWD or BDTDTUD macro coded.
&TUKEY=   Defines the text unit key for the text unit being defined when TYPE=FIXED, KEY, or VAR. If the text unit is a dynamic allocation text unit, the value specified for this keyword should be one of the dynamic allocation text unit values defined in the IEFZB4D2 macro. If this is a BDT text unit, the value specified should be in the range of 200-220 for nongeneric keywords (those that can be specified in either or both the FROM and TO sections of a transaction). For generic keywords (those that are specified in the job definition section of a transaction and define processing options or the transaction as a whole) select a key value in the range of 491-511.
&TUNUM=   Specifies the number of parameter fields to be included in the text unit generated for the keyword. The default is 1. Therefore, if the text unit is to have no parameter fields, TUNUM=0 must be specified.

TUNUM generates the count field in the text unit.

&TULNG=   Defines the length of the text unit parameter field, if one is to be included in the text unit generated for this keyword. The default is 1.

If there is to be no text unit parameter field, TUNUM=0 must be coded, and TULNG need not be coded. (The dynamic allocation generated by BDT for the ROUND keyword, DALROUND, is an example of a text unit with no parameter.)

If the keyword value associated with this text unit is VAR and its value is character (NUMERIC=NO), or if its value is numeric but not to be converted to binary, (NUMERIC=YES,CONVERT=NO), then the actual length of the keyword value entered by the user will be used for the text unit parameter length when the language processor is parsing the transaction parameters and building the text units. For these cases, TULNG=0 should be specified.

&TUPAR=   Defines the parameter value to be included in this text unit generated for this keyword. TUPAR may be used, for example, when you are defining a TYPE=FIXED keyword whose associated text unit has one defined value.

The length of the generated text unit field is determined by the value of the TULNG parameter. TUPAR can be specified as a symbol that has been equated to the desired value. For example, if you have coded USRTUPRM EQU X‘80’, you could then specify TUPAR=USRTUPRM. The resulting text unit parameter field would contain the value X‘80’. The length of the field would be that specified via TULNG. If TULNG was not specified, the length would default to 1.

&KEYS=   Used with TYPE=KEY to specify the parameter keyword value.
&MAXLEN=   Specifies the maximum length of the keyword value for a TYPE=VAR value. MAXLEN=255 is the default. For example, if you were defining a keyword USR(userid) where the userid could be a maximum of 8 characters, you would code MAXLEN=8.
&PREFIX=   Defines a prefix to be used for the symbols generated to define the text unit parameter values to be associated with the keys specified by the KEYS= parameter for a keyword defined as TYPE=KEY. The prefix may be from one to seven valid assembler language characters. The symbols are generated by concatenating the specific prefix with as many characters of each KEY value as can be used to create a symbol of up to eight characters.
&OPT=   Specifies whether this keyword value is optional. The default is OPT=NO. If OPT=NO is coded or the parameter is omitted, the value must be specified when the keyword is entered on a BDT transaction.
&MAXVAL=   Specifies the maximum value that a keyword value may have, when it is TYPE=VAR and the keyword value is defined as NUMERIC=YES, CONVERT=YES. If MAXVAL is not specified for a NUMERIC keyword value that is to be converted to binary, the converted value must be less than or equal to X‘FFFFFFFF’. Note that the TULNG parameter must specify a text unit parameter length great enough to hold the maximum value.
&NUMERIC=   For a TYPE=VAR keyword value, specifies whether the keyword value must be numeric. The default is NUMERIC=NO. If this parameter is omitted or if NUMERIC=NO is coded, the parameter value can be any valid alpha-national character.
&CONVERT   For a TYPE=VAR, NUMERIC=YES keyword value, specifies whether the keyword value is to be converted into binary before being placed in the text unit parameter field. The default is CONVERT=NO.
&LAST=   Specifies whether this is the last text unit to be associated with this keyword. LAST=YES is the default. Use LAST=NO if you want to define more than one text unit to be associated with a particular keyword. Define each additional text unit with the BDTDTUD macro, immediately following the BDTDKYWD macro. Specify (or default) LAST=YES on the last BDTDTUD macro.
&DATU=   Identifies the text unit as a dynamic allocation text unit (DATU=YES) or a BDT text unit (DATU=NO). DATU=NO is the default.

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