z/OS BDT Installation
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BDTUX18—BDT Job Termination

z/OS BDT Installation


Customization (optional).

General Description

BDTGRJS invokes this exit routine when a BDT job ends. It is intended to operate for informational purposes, not to make any modifications to the way BDT handles the job. Any return code set by the user routine is ignored.

This exit routine is invoked for inbound and outbound file-to-file jobs and outbound (but not inbound) SNA NJE jobs. This exit routine runs in the scheduling processor when the processor is notified that the remote processor has finished sending or receiving the job.

This exit routine can run from two different places in BDTGRJS, depending upon which side of the transfer completes last. See Initialization Flow and User Exit Routines for a diagram of the steps that lead to the invocation of this exit routine at the end of a job.

Register Conventions at Entry

BDTXCALL linkage is used to establish the interface to the BDTUX18 user exit routine. Registers 2-14 are saved by BDT ASAVE processing.
Register 1
Contains the address of a one-word parameter list.
Word 1
Contains the address of the JCT entry for the job.
Register 12
Contains the address of the TVT.
Register 13
Contains the address of the save area set up by ASAVE processing.
Register 14
Contains the address of the return point, which is saved in BDTGRSV.
Register 15
Contains the entry point address in BDTUX18.

Register Conventions at Exit

Because BDTXCALL linkage is used to establish the interface to the BDTUX18 user exit routine, registers 2-14 of BDTJSFT (for file-to-file jobs) or BDTJSNT (for SNA NJE jobs) are saved in BDTGRSV. You must store registers 12, 13, and 14 in an area you provide (either an area obtained by GETMAIN or one within your user exit routine) and those registers must be restored on return to BDTGRSV by register 14.
Register 14
Contains the address of the return point, which is saved in BDTGRSV.


This exit routine is given control once at the end of a job. The exit routine can be given control from two different places in BDTGRJS. The place depends upon which side (scheduling processor or remote processor) completes last.

Recovery the Exit Routine Must Establish: You should provide ESTAE protection for your user exit routine in the event of failure. If an ESTAE is not included with the exit routine, clean-up for the user exit routine is provided by the ESTAE exit routine established in BDTABMN.


Point Where Exit Routine Receives Control: BDTUX18 is invoked when the scheduling processor is notified that the remote processor has finished sending the job. BDTUX17 is invoked from BDTJSFT if the job is a file-to-file job, or from BDTJSNT if the job is a SNA NJE job.

Address Space in Which Exit Routine Runs: BDT address space.

Task under Which Exit Routine Runs: This exit routine runs under BDTGRJS’s TCB.

PSW State: Supervisor.

Storage Protection Key: BDTKEY (key 8).

Data Areas

Mapping Macros
  • BDTDGSD to map the GSD (necessary for writing an ESTAE)
  • BDTDJCT to map the JCT
  • BDTDREG to map the registers
  • BDTDTVT to map the TVT
Executable Macros
  • BDTXASRV to invoke abend services for abend recovery

What If BDTUX18 Is Not Used?

If this user exit routine is not coded, job termination proceeds normally.

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