How do you use WSim?

To use WSim, you write network definition statements that describe the network configuration to be simulated. You also create message generation decks that send and receive messages and enable your simulated terminals to take actions based on message content and network status. The network definition statements and one or more message generation decks form a script that WSim uses to send messages to the system under test. WSim then collects the information returned from the system under test, records that information for further analysis, and uses the information received to determine what to send to the system under test.

You can use WSim to perform tests that evaluate the reliability and approximate performance characteristics of a teleprocessing system under expected or projected operating conditions. That is, you use WSim to simulate a specified network of resources that generates a specified number and type of messages. WSim reduces the time and resources needed for testing and improves testing accuracy.

WSim enables the system under test to operate as it would under actual conditions. You can evaluate your teleprocessing system with a low volume of message traffic and proceed on an orderly basis to a high volume of traffic. Because your programs and associated hardware are integral parts of the simulation process, WSim closely approximates a true operating environment.

WSim can generate the same or different messages for multiple terminals. This ability is especially useful in time-sharing environments. WSim can also simulate multiple networks concurrently to provide messages to drive multiple teleprocessing applications or multiple host processors.