Creating Appium Java tests for mobile applications

Starting with Rational® Functional Tester, you can create Appium Java™ tests for mobile applications using the Perfecto Lab recording environment that is installed with Rational Functional Tester. With previous versions of the Perfecto support, you could only import Appium tests and not create them. The Perfecto Lab environment is not currently supported on Linux.


  1. Set Perfecto Lab Preferences to gain access to the Perfect Lab testing environment.
    1. Click Window > Preferences > Perfecto Lab.
    2. Type the URL of the Perfecto Cloud.
    3. Provide a valid user name and password to the Perfecto Cloud.

    Perfecto Lab preferences

  2. Set Perfecto Mobile Preferences and obtain a Perfecto security token. See Setting Perfecto preferences.
  3. Change to the Perfecto Lab Perspective by clicking Window > Perspective > Test > Perfecto.
  4. From the Perfecto Lab Perspective, select a device from the Launch Mobile list on which to create the test.

    After you select a device, you can see it in the Perfecto perspective.

  5. Create a Perfecto Lab Java Appium project.
    1. Click File > New > Other > Perfecto > Perfecto Lab Java Appium Project and supply a project name.
    2. Provide the Perfecto Lab settings, that is, the URL of the cloud, the user name, and password.

    A template for an Appium Java test appears.

  6. Edit the template by providing the Perfecto cloud name, login credentials, and device details.

  7. Create your test on the mobile device just as you would record any other test. Mouse clicks and other gestures are recorded and added to the Appium code in the Perfecto Lab environment.

  8. After creating the test, and before running the test, close the mobile device that you used to record the test. Otherwise, the device will remain in a reserved state and will not appear available for test execution.
  9. Run the test.

    You can run the test from the Perfecto perspective, or you can create a compound test and add the new test to the compound test before running it. See Running Selenium or Appium tests and Adding a Selenium or Appium test to a compound test.

  10. When test execution is complete, you can view the Perfecto Web Analytics Report.
