Testing with Cucumber

Starting with Rational® Functional Tester 9.2, you can take advantage of Cucumber integration to create, annotate, and run functional test scripts that can be easily understood by all members of the team.

About Cucumber

Cucumber is a software testing tool that fosters better communication among domain experts, business analysts, testers, and developers by providing everyone a clear view of the testing effort. Cucumber is based on the principles of behavior-driven development (BDD). See Behavior Driven Development for more information.

A functional test script for the Eclipse version of Rational Functional Tester is a collection of Java™ methods. You must be able to read and understand the Java code to completely understand the test script. With Cucumber integration, anyone can understand the test script because the flow of the test is described in simple, English statements within a Cucumber feature file.

Note: Rational Functional Tester datapools are not supported in Cucumber feature files. However, Cucumber provides support for its own datapool-like data structures.

The basic steps for using Cucumber with Rational Functional Tester are as follows:

  1. Create a Feature file, a text file with a .feature extension.
  2. Create a Runner File, an empty functional test script, and annotate the Class in the test script with @FTCucumberOptions annotations. Any functional test script that is annotated becomes a runner file.
  3. Provide Step definitions using Cucumber annotations, such as @When, @Given, @Then, and so on.
  4. Run the Runner File, either from Rational Functional Tester or from the command line.

Cucumber with and without functional tester


Before using the Cucumber integration in Rational Functional Tester, you must add the following Cucumber-related jar files to the Rational Functional Tester Customization directory, which on Windows is located at C:\ProgramData\IBM\RFT\customization

  • cucumber-core-1.2.5.jar
  • cucumber-java-1.2.5.jar
  • cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.5.jar
  • gherkin-2.12.2.jar
  • cucumber-html-0.2.3.jar

You can download these jar files from the Central Maven repository at https://mvnrepository.com by searching for them one by one. All of the Cucumber-related libraries are grouped under the info.cukes group in the Maven repository at https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/info.cukes. The version numbers vary, depending on when you download the files.

Cucumber feature file

The Cucumber feature file is a text file. It provides an abstraction layer that shields the non-technical user from the underlying code. A feature file describes one feature, but can describe multiple scenarios or test cases. It follows a Given-When-Then format, as follows:

  • (Given) some context
  • (When) some action is carried out
  • (Then) a particular set of observable consequences are obtained.

For example:

  • Given the login page is displayed for the application.
  • When user attempts to log in with incorrect credentials.
  • Then user should be re-prompted for credentials.
  • Reset password link should be displayed.

The feature files are saved in a folder named features inside the functional test project.

A sample feature file that contains four scenarios is as follows:

ClassicsJavaA Feature file

Cucumber Runner file

A Rational Functional Tester Cucumber Runner file is a functional test script that includes @FTCucumberOptions annotations. The @FTCucumberOptions annotations must be declared outside of the class definition, as shown in the following figure:

Use the Run button in Rational Functional Tester to run the Runner file, or use the command line. For Cucumber command line options, see https://cucumber.io/docs/reference/jvm#cli-runner and look for List configuration options

Cucumber Step Definitions

The Step Definition file is a functional test script that contains the code behind each Cucumber annotation in the feature file, that is the @Given, @When, and @Then annotations. An example of a step definitions file for Rational Functional Tester Cucumber integration is as follows:

Step Definitions file

Cucumber log file

When you run a Rational Functional Tester test script with Cucumber annotations, the log files that are generated contain color-coding to indicate the pass-fail status of each step, as shown in the following example:

Log file with Cucumber annotations

In this example, the steps in red indicate a failure, while the step in blue indicates that the step was not run due to the failure of the previous steps.

The log files also indicate the start point and end point of the feature and each scenario.

Running a feature file with default options

Here is sample code for running a feature file with default options:

@FTCucumberOptions( cucumberOptions = 
		"cuketest2.feature"  // just providing the folder to the feature files will also work fine.

Here are the default options for the other required parameters for the above example:

--glue '' --plugin pretty --plugin html:CukeLogs --plugin json:CukeLogs/abc.json --monochrome";

Required annotations for making a functional test script integrate with Cucumber

Cucumber annotations must be applied to the class. Cucumber options that are passed must be in the same format they would be passed in the Cucumber command line interface. The required annotations include --glue and the .feature file that needs to be run.

  • --glue: Specifies where glue code (step definitions, hooks and plugins) are loaded from. In this case, a blank string ("") as a value to glue tells Rational Functional Tester to search for the step definitions inside all folders in the functional tester project. Duplicate steps lead to exceptions.
  • The feature file is in a folder named Features inside the functional test project .
@FTCucumberOptions(cucumberOptions = 
 	"--glue", "", 

Providing a folder for the feature files

Run all feature files in the folder named features inside the functional test project.

@FTCucumberOptions(cucumberOptions =
 	"--glue", "",

Providing more than one feature file

Here is an example with more than one feature file:

 @FTCucumberOptions(cucumberOptions =
 	"--glue", "",

Providing two glue (step definition) options

In this case, the step definitions are present in two different folders packages inside the project.

@FTCucumberOptions(cucumberOptions =
 	"--glue", "com.package1", //Folder inside project- com/package1
 	"--glue", "com.package2", //Folder inside project- com/package2

Command-line options for running functional test scripts with Cucumber

  • Option 1: -datastore <datastore> -usecucumberoptionscli -playback CucumberRunnerScript
  • Option 2: -datastore <datastore> -cucumberoptionscli "All Cucumber options as single entry" -playback CucumberRunnerScript

Option 1 assumes you have already added FTCucumberOptions annotations to the functional test script class (a Runner Script). Rational Functional Tester uses these annotations to run as Cucumber.

With Option 2, any options in the Runner Script are ignored, but command-line options are honored.

Option 1 example:-datastore "C:\work\RFT_WS2\Cuketest3" -usecucumberoptionscli -playback steps.CucumberRunnerScript

Options 2 example: -datastore "C:\work\RFT_WS2\Cuketest3" -cucumberoptionscli "--glue 'steps' C:\work\RFT_WS2\Cuketest3\cuketest2.feature" -playback steps.CucumberRunnerScript

The value for key cucumberoptionscli is a single value between double quotes. All of the Cucumber-related command line options go as a single value.

The value for (--glue) is either no value between single quotes for all packages (') or for specific packages, values between single quotes, for example, 'steps'. For more than one glue entry, specify separate entries as follows: --glue 'steps' --glue 'moreSteps'.

Note: Be sure to run these commands from inside the project directory or use the absolute path for the cucumber options feature file and step definition file.
