Migrating test assets from earlier versions of Functional Tester

Rational® Functional Tester versions 8.2 and later cannot be installed on a computer on which releases of version 6.1, 7.0, or 8.0 is installed. All previous versions of Functional Tester must be uninstalled before attempting to install IBM® Rational Functional Tester versions 8.2 and later.


Before you upgrade Rational Functional Tester, close the Eclipse and Visual Studio IDEs, as well as any open web browsers, and all other applications that are enabled by Rational Functional Tester.

As part of the upgrade, the first time you run the Enabler you will get a message informing you that Java™ environments that were previously enabled will be automatically disabled. You must then enable Java environments that you want to use for testing. Web browsers that were previously enabled will remain that way. Click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing on the Rational Functional Tester menu to run the Enabler. For more information on using the Enabler, see Enabling Java Environments. You must disable the next generation plug-in for existing JREs associated with browsers before upgrading.

Migrating test assets from earlier versions of Rational Functional Tester

All test assets from earlier versions of Rational Functional Tester, including projects, scripts, object maps, and verification points, work with the current version of the product. However, scripts that you record with the current version of the product will not play back on earlier versions. When you play back a script that was recorded with a previous version, a warning message is displayed in the log file. To view the log file without the warning message, you must disconnect the project, and connect again .

To connect to the project:

  1. Right-click the functional test project, and click Disconnect Project. The project is removed from the Functional Test Projects view.
  2. Click File > Connect to a Functional Test Project.
  3. Click Browse to browse to the project location path. The project name is displayed in the Project name field when you browse to the project location path.
  4. Click Finish. A dialog box prompting you to upgrade the project from the older version and connect again is displayed.
  5. Click Yes. The functional test project is displayed in the Functional Test Projects view.
