Enhanced experience for developing hybrid apps

If you develop hybrid apps, you can now leverage support for standard-based frameworks with large, open ecosystems, as well as exploiting capabilities provided by IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation

Simplified cross-platform development with Cordova development model and tooling

IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1.0 features a new development model based on Apache Cordova. You can now add third-party or custom plugins to your app, and use the standard, familiar Cordova development model for your IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation app. New Cordova-specific commands are available from the IBM MobileFirst Platform Command Line Interface. For more information, see Developing Cordova apps.

Use mfp push to accelerate development

With V7.1, the IBM MobileFirst Platform Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a new command, mfp push, that enables you to register, build and deploy your app all with a single command. With push, you can deploy to remote as well as local instances of the MobileFirst Server. You can now proceed through the entire MobileFirst development process by using only the CLI and your preferred source code editor or IDE. For more information, see push.

Enhanced mfp config simplifies app configuration

The V7.1 IBM MobileFirst Platform Command Line Interface (CLI) also provides an enhanced mfp config command. With these enhancements, you can configure MobileFirst features without requiring manual editing of the application descriptor file. For more information, see config.

iOS libraries now packaged as frameworks

Starting with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1.0, the iOS Client SDK static libraries are packaged as iOS frameworks.

When you import an existing hybrid application that was developed in a previous IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation version into version 7.1.0, the import process replaces the existing static library with the iOS framework and updates the Xcode project configuration and the SDK public header imports to correspond to the framework configuration.