Mobile Browser Simulator

The Mobile Browser Simulator is a web application that helps you test mobile web applications without having to install device vendor native SDK.

Important: The Mobile Browser Simulator supports the following web browsers:
  • Firefox version 3.6 and later.
  • Chrome 17 and later. However, Chrome will soon block the use of the MBS applet. Please use Firefox for applet simulation.
  • Safari 5 and later.

You can use the Mobile Browser Simulator to preview applications on Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry 6 and 7 (deprecated. See Features deprecated in V7.0.0), BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone Silverlight 8, Windows Phone 8 Universal, and mobile web application environments.

Restriction: Mobile Browser Simulator is not deployed to the production console.

When you preview an application on an Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry 6 and 7, BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone Silverlight 8, or Windows Phone 8 Universal environment, only the devices for the created environments are available. For example, if you preview an application on an Android environment, you can select from both the list of available Android devices and from the device lists from any other environments that were added to your application.

You can also use the Ripple emulator to simulate the WebWorks API in your BlackBerry application.
  1. Using Chrome as your web browser, click Open Simple Preview in the simulator.

    A new tab opens in Chrome with your application loaded.

  2. Open the Ripple emulator from this tab.

You can preview all environments from the application folder. Each environment-specific preview allows for the addition of devices from available environments.

In the Mobile Browser Simulator, you can test skins per device. Only the skins that are available for that platform are shown. You can save a file in Rich Page Editor and then instantly preview it by clicking Go/Refresh.

You can select the link icon on the device toolbar to debug an application in a separate, simple preview.

Whenever a new environment or skin is added to an app, you must restart the Mobile Browser Simulator from Eclipse. Only from the Eclipse Studio does the Run As > Preview command supports skin changes. The console preview does not support skin changes.

You can select the Quick Response (QR) code icon on the device toolbar to show a QR code that is specific to the environment URL. This QR code generator therefore allows for quick testing on a physical device.

The Mobile Browser Simulator contains a frame that emulates a target device. It shows what your page looks like inside the mobile device browser. You can switch the frame to emulate different screen resolutions and form factors, including BlackBerry 6 and 7, BlackBerry 10, Android, iPad, iPhone, and Windows Phone 8 mobile devices. You can also rotate the frame to mimic orientation change (portrait or landscape). You can add multiple devices to the frame to view the various displays simultaneously. If a device detection servlet is configured for your web project, the simulator emulates requests from different device-specific agents.

View of a Mobile browser simulator. TheMobile Browser Simulator displays mobile web pages in various mobile browser sizes and shapes.