Publishing MobileFirst applications to the Application Center

You can use the application management plug-in to publish native applications to the Application Center.

About this task

You can deploy applications for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows 8 (Windows Store applications only), and BlackBerry operating systems to the Application Center directly from the MobileFirst Studio IDE. In MobileFirst Studio, you can deploy Android application package (.apk) files, iOS application (.ipa) files, Windows Phone application (.xap) files, Windows Store application package (.appx) files, and BlackBerry (.zip) files that you choose from your file system. You can right-click an application (.apk, .ipa, .xap, .appx, or .zip) file to deploy it to the Application Center.


To publish an application to the Application Center, complete the following steps:

  1. Specify the publish preferences for the Application Center:
    1. In the main menu, click Window > Preferences.
    2. Expand IBM Application Center > Publish Preferences.
      Publish Preferences page
    3. Specify the default publish preference settings for the Application Center:
      Preference Description
      Credentials Specify the login and password required to access the application repository.
      Application Center Server Specify the URL of the application center server to use when publishing applications.
  2. Publish an application (.apk, .ipa, .xap, .appx, or .zip file) from a MobileFirst project:
    1. Right-click the application and click IBM Application Center > Publish on IBM Application Center. The Publish Confirm dialog opens.
      Publish Confirm dialog
    2. In the Publish Confirm dialog, choose one of the following options:
      Option Description
      Publish the application by using the current preferences. Click Publish.
      Change any of the preferences before publishing the application. Click Preferences to open the Publish Preferences page and edit the preference settings.

      You receive confirmation when publication is successful.

      Publish Success dialog

      If the application already exists, publication will fail. You are given the option to overwrite the existing version of the application.

      Overwrite an existing version of an application before publishing it.
      Tip: To publish an application that is not part of the MobileFirst project:
      1. Right-click the MobileFirst project and click IBM Application Center > Publish on IBM Application Center. The Select Application to Publish window opens.
        Select Application to Publish window
      2. Navigate to the application (.apk, .ipa, .xap, .appx, or .zip) file that you want to publish and click Open to open the Publish Confirm dialog.