What's new with CF16

This Combined Cumulative Fix includes new features and improvements.

Some features are ready for immediate use when you apply the latest combined cumulative fix. Other features require extra configuration or a procedure to enable the feature.

New configuration wizard option available

You can now select if you want to migrate to WebSphere Application server version 8.5 or 9.0 when migrating the deployment manager profile. Go to Migrate a Cluster Step 1: Migrate the Deployment Manager Profile to use this new option.

Establish OAuth 2.0 authenticated connections

The Outbound HTTP Connection services support the connection of remote sites, such as Twitter, Dropbox, or Facebook, which are protected with a OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. Learn more about authentication flows, such as password credentials, client credentials, and stored authentication token flows.

Add or change endpoint URL settings for outbound HTTP connection services

With the new URL transformation feature you can add, modify the URL settings or the URL path when they include query parameters or POST body content that isn't known or cannot be known at the client site.

Customizing toolbar layouts

Learn how to customize toolbar layouts by adding theme metadata to the theme deployment file.

Updated driver support for SQL Server

You can now use the latest JDBC 6.2 compliant driver with SQL Server.

Portal Access Control Optimizer improvements

You can now configure a parameter for the Portal Access Control Optimizer task to keep inheritance and access control settings working as intended for your Web Content Manager content items, even when these content items are saved.