IWKSY: com.ibm.workplace.wcm.resources.WCMSyndicationMessages


{0} items with duplicate names were found on the subscriber.
Items with the same name are not allowed to exist under the same parent. Items being syndicated have the same name and path as items on the subscriber. This can occur if an item has been created on the syndicator and the subscriber or if an item has been moved on one system so that it conflicts. Best practice for avoiding naming conflicts during syndication is to only make updates on a syndicator.
The naming conflicts must be removed. One of the conflicting items must be renamed, moved to another parent or purged or deleted.


Could not update or add the item as another different item was found on the subscriber with the same name in the same path
Items with the same name are not allowed to exist under the same parent. An item being syndicated has the same name and path as an item on the subscriber. This can occur if an item has been created on the syndicator and the subscriber or if an item has been moved on one system so that it conflicts. Best practice for avoiding naming conflicts during syndication is to only make updates on a syndicator.
The naming conflict must be removed. One of the items must be renamed, moved to another parent or purged or deleted.


{0} items could not be updated or added because they are referencing items that do not exist in the currently syndicated libraries.
Items being syndicated reference items that do not exist on the subscriber because they are in libraries that are not being syndicated. The item cannot be saved until those references are resolved.
Library containing the referenced items must be added to the syndicator.


Item {0} could not be updated or added because it is referencing an item that does not exist in the currently syndicated libraries.
The item references an item that does not exist on the subscriber because it is in a library that is not being syndicated. The item cannot be saved until that reference is resolved.
The libraries containing the referenced item must be added to the syndicator.


The item could not be updated because it appears to have been locked on the subscriber
The item that the syndicator is trying to update was locked on the subscriber at the time syndication was running.
Unlock the item on the subscriber and ensure that you are not continuously authoring similar content on both syndicator and subscriber.


The item failed to be updated or created because a parent item does not exist on the subscriber
The parent of this item does not exist, or did not syndicate successfully causing the item to fail.
Re-syndicate the parent item, or determine why the parent item does not exist. Then try to syndicate its children again


The item could not be updated because it is currently checked out on the subscriber.
The item cannot be checked out for it to be successfully updated.
Undo the checkout on the item on the subscriber and then retry.


The item has since been modified during the syndication update phase.
An item can not be modified in two different places at the same time
Ensure that you are not authoring the same item on the subscriber while syndicating.


Could not unlock the item to update.
In certain instances, syndication will attempt to unlock an item to update. This time the unlocking failed.
Unlock or remove the item on the subscriber and syndicate again


The item could not be found
The item could not be found on the subscriber to update. It may have been removed by a third party during the syndication process.
Update the item and syndicate again


Syndication did not have access to update the item
The syndication engine failed to update the item due to authorization issues.
Contact your administrator.


Could not update or remove the item because it has children
The update or removal could not occur because it will break referential integrity relationships to its children.
Remove the children or references to the children on the subscriber and then try to syndicate again


Could not update the item because a draft exists.
An update can not occur on an item which has drafts
Remove the drafts and then try again.


The item could not be updated because it could not be retrieved from the syndicator
The subscriber could not retrieve the item from the syndicator. It may not exist, or be corrupt.
Ensure the item indicated exists. If it doesn't then ignore this failed update and remove it from the list. If it does exist, and this error is still occurring, contact your administrator


The item could not be updated because the subscriber could not read the object it retrieved from the syndicator
The subscriber was able to fetch the item from the syndicator but could not read it. It could be corrupt.
Contact your administrator.


The item could not be updated because the subscriber could not save the retrieved item to disk.
Syndication uses temporary disk storage. The subscriber could not save the item to the temporary storage location. This could be because the disk is full, or the Portal Server does not have sufficient access to the disk
Ensure that there is available disk space and the system is setup with the appropriate access levels, then retry syndication


The item could not be updated because its library does not exist.
The item could not be saved because the library appears to be missing.
Ensure the library exists, or attempt to do a full rebuild to re-syndicate the library across.


Could not determine the root cause of this failure. An unexpected error has occurred while updating this item. Contact your Administrator
The syndication engine could not determine why this item failed to syndicate.
Contact your administrator to review the logs of the system


The item could not be found on the syndicator. It may no longer exist.
Syndication couldn't resolve the item on the syndicator. It may no longer exist and can be ignored.
The Syndication event log may be inconsistant with the system repository. You may have corrupt entries and a rebuild of the eventlog could be required.


The Syndicator is incorrectly configured. You must select at least one library to the syndicate.
Unable to complete the syndication process because no library is configured to this syndicator.
Review the syndicator configuration and select an appropriate library.


No subscriber is subscribing to this syndicator.
Unable to complete the syndication process as no subscriber is configured.
Review the syndicator configuration and select an appropriate subscriber.