Uninstalling the server

If you no longer want the Cloud APM server on your system, you can uninstall it. The procedure does not remove the monitoring agents that are manually installed. Agents that are automatically installed as part of the Cloud APM server are removed. These include: Summarization and Pruning agent, Bluemix® Integration agent, Synthetic Events agent, and Transactions Event agent.

Before you begin

If the Db2® agent is installed on the Cloud APM server system and is monitoring the Cloud APM server Db2 database, the agent must be stopped before you uninstall the server. Otherwise, the uninstallation might fail. If you want to check whether the Db2 agent is installed on the system, you can run the agent version command. For more information, see Using agent commands.


You must be the root user to uninstall the server.

  1. On the system where the Cloud APM server is installed, open the command prompt.
  2. Run the following command in the /opt/ibm/ccm directory (or /custom_path/ccm if you installed the server in a different path):
  3. Specify the uninstallation log file directory or press enter to accept the default directory.
    The default log file directory is /tmp/apm/uninstall.
  4. The uninstaller output displays the Cloud APM offering that you can uninstall, which is either IBM® Cloud Application Performance Management, Base or IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, Advanced. Press enter to proceed or enter q (quit) to cancel the uninstall operation.
    Note: All digital certificates are backed up to install_dir/ccm/. This is the only directory that remains after the uninstallation.


The Cloud APM server components are uninstalled.

What to do next

Before you attempt to reinstall your Cloud APM server, you must confirm that the uninstall was successful. The uninstallation finished output message is displayed when the uninstall was successful. Alternatively, you can check the /tmp/apm/uninstall/apm-server-uninstall_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.log log file.

You must also confirm whether the Db2 database uninstall was successful by checking for the word Success in the /tmp/db2_deinstall.log.pid Db2 log file. You can find the full name of this Db2 log file (including the pid at the end of this file) in the /tmp/apm/uninstall/apm-server-uninstall_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.log log file. If the Db2 database uninstallation failed, clean up all Db2 entries. For more information, see Cleaning up Db2 entries.