IBM Performance Management

Format file

OS agents extract information from system log messages and then match different log messages to event classes. A format file serves as a lookup file for matching log messages to event classes, which tells the event class what to read, what to match, and how to format the data.

When the format file is used as a lookup file, all format specifications in the file are compared from the beginning to the end of the file. When two classes match or when a message has multiple matching classes, the first expression from the end that matches is used. If no match is found, the event is discarded. A discarded event is written to the unmatch log if it is defined in the .conf file.

The regular expression syntax that you use to create patterns to match log messages and events is described. Regular expression-filtering support is provided by using the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries to check whether an attribute value that is examined matches the specified pattern.

For more information about using regular expressions, see Regular Expressions in the ICU User Guide.