IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Version 3.5.1

New features in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform version 3.5.1

IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform version 3.5.1 supports TRIRIGA 10.5.1 and includes calculation extensions that are required by the lease accounting standards, provides an optional html5 version of the TRIRIGA Gantt functionality for customers who prefer not to use applets, includes a Revision feature that creates revisions of high-level objects when they are created or updated, and includes platform enhancements to the classic tools to support the UX framework.

Revision functionality for high-level objects

You can view a list of the revisions to high-level objects such as business objects, forms, modules, reports, and UX metadata. You can also compare two revisions of a business object, form, module, or report. A revision is a distinct version of an IBM TRIRIGA object that is automatically created and is identified by a sequential revision number.

Enhancements to the Builders:
  • The Data Modeler is enhanced to create revisions of business objects on publish and modules on save. You can also compare two revisions of a business object or two revisions of a module in the Data Modeler.
  • The Form Builder is enhanced to create revisions of forms on publish. You can also compare two revisions of a form in the Form Builder.
  • The Report Builder is enhanced to create revisions of reports on save. You can also compare two revisions of a report in the Report Builder.
A revision is created on business objects and forms when they are published. A revision is created for modules and reports when they are saved. A revision is created for UX metadata when a snapshot is taken.

For information on how to work with revisions, see Object Labels and Revisions on the IBM TRIRIGA wiki.

Object labeling of high-level objects

The properties of high-level objects and revisions to those objects now contain an identifier called an object label. For example, an object that contains the object label IBM-T:10.5.1 indicates that the object was changed by IBM in version 10.5.1 of the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Object Labeling is a process that applies object labels to objects and object revisions. The process helps to manage the changes that are made to objects in the IBM TRIRIGA applications, including changes that you make or that services teams make on your behalf, and changes that IBM makes in updated releases of the IBM TRIRIGA applications. You can view a list of objects that contain a particular object label and export the list to a file. You can uniquely identify objects that you change by applying a new object label to them.

For information on how to work with the object labels, see Object Labels and Revisions on the IBM TRIRIGA wiki.

Object Label search parameter in Object Migration tool

When you create an export package in the Object Migration tool, you can search for objects to add to your package that all contain a particular object label. The Object Label search parameter is displayed in the Object Finder panel when the Object Type search parameter contains any of the following object types: All, Application, Business Object, Form, Module, Report, Web Component, or Workflow. When All is selected, only Application, Business Object, Form, Module, Report, Web Component, and Workflow objects are searched, as they contain object labels. The objects that are not labeled are not searched.

Automatically upload and import Object Migration package zip files

In addition to the ability to upload zip files to the IBM TRIRIGA server as a background process, you can now also upload and import the zip files as a background process.

Changes to the classic tools to support the UX framework

Object migration
You can now compare the metadata from UX applications that is imported into the Object Migration tool. Before you import, you can compare UX metadata such as the application, model-and-view, model, and data sources, in the import package to the UX metadata on your target environment. Even though UX metadata objects for web view file data are compared, any binary files attached to the web view metadata, such as HTML and CSS files, are not compared.

For information on the UX framework, see UX Articles on the IBM TRIRIGA wiki.
