IBM® Informix® 12.10

Overview of HPL features

The High-Performance Loader (HPL) is a database server tool that you can use to load and unload large quantities of data efficiently to or from a database.

The HPL lets you exchange data with tapes, data files, and programs, and converts data from these sources into a format compatible with IBM® Informix® databases. The HPL also allows you to manipulate and filter the data as you perform load and unload operations.

The HPL includes the following components:

You use the ipload utility to manage the onpload database on any database server on your network.

Any database server on your network can use the onpload database, which contains parameters and controls that the HPL uses. This accessibility allows centralized management of your load and unload controls. These parameters and controls include the HPL components such as formats, maps, and projects.

The HPL:

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For the release notes, documentation notes, and/or machine notes, see the Release Notes page.
timestamp Release date: March 2013