DEFINE CLIENTOPT (Define an option to an option set)

Use this command to add a client option to an option set.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-DEFine CLIENTOpt--option_set_name--option_name--option_value-->

   '-Force--=--+-No--+-'  '-SEQnumber--=--number-'   


option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the option set.
option_name (Required)
Specifies a client option to add to the option set.

See Client options that can be set by the server for a list of valid options.

Note: To define include-exclude values, specify the include or exclude option with option-name, and use option_value to specify any valid include or exclude statement, as you would in the client options file. For example:
define clientopt option_set_name inclexcl "include c:\proj\text\devel.*"
option_value (Required)
Specifies the value for the option. If the option includes more than one value, enclose the value in quotation marks.
  1. The QUIET and VERBOSE options do not have an option value in the client option's file. To specify these values in a server client option set, specify a value of YES or NO.
  2. To add an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE option for a file name that contains one or more spaces, put single quotation marks around the file specification, and double quotation marks around the entire option. See Example: Add an option to a client option set for more information.
  3. The option_value is limited to 1024 characters.
Specifies whether the server forces the client to use the option set value. The value is ignored for additive options, such as INCLEXCL and DOMAIN. The default is NO. This parameter is optional. The values are:
Specifies that the server forces the client to use the value. (The client cannot override the value.)
Specifies that the server does not force the client to use the value. (The client can override the value.)
Specifies a sequence number when an option name is specified more than once. This parameter is optional.

Example: Add an option to a client option set

Add a client option (MAXCMDRETRIES 5) to a client option set named ENG.
define clientopt eng maxcmdretries 5

Example: Add an option to exclude a file from backup

Add a client option to the option set ENGBACKUP to exclude the c:\admin\file.txt from backup services.
define clientopt engbackup inclexcl "exclude c:\admin\file.txt"

Example: Add an option to exclude a directory from backup

Add a client option to the option set WINSPEC to exclude a temporary internet directory from backup services. When you use the EXCLUDE or INCLUDE option with file names that contain spaces, put single quotation marks around the file specification, then double quotation marks around the entire option.
define clientopt winspec inclexcl "exclude.dir '*:\...\Temporary Internet Files'"

Example: Add an option to bind files in specified directories

Add client options to the option set WINSPEC to bind all files in directories C:\Data and C:\Program Files\My Apps to a management class named PRODCLASS.
define clientopt winspec inclexcl "include C:\Data\...\* prodclass"
define clientopt winspec inclexcl "include 'C:\Program
   Files\My Apps\...\*' prodclass"

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DEFINE CLIENTOPT
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option set.
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets options for that user.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option set.
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated with a client node.