Linux operating systems

Determining whether Aspera FASP technology can optimize data transfer in your system environment

If your Tivoli® Storage Manager server replicates nodes or protects storage pools to a remote server, determine whether Aspera® Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP®) technology can improve data throughput to the remote server. Before you enable Aspera FASP technology, you must obtain the appropriate licenses. Both evaluation and full licenses are available.

Before you begin

Aspera FASP technology is used to transfer data extents that reside in a directory-container storage pool. When Aspera FASP technology is enabled, the data extents are encrypted during transfer regardless of whether the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is enabled. All other data is not encrypted. To encrypt that data, you must enable SSL:

About this task

Use Aspera FASP technology when your wide area network (WAN) shows signs of high packet loss, data transfer delays that are caused by network impairment, or both.


  1. Determine whether Aspera FASP technology is appropriate for your system environment. If either of the following conditions occurs, enable Aspera FASP technology:
    • Average delays for data-transfer operations exceed 50 milliseconds.
    • Packet loss is greater than 0.01%.
    Network characteristics can vary widely. You might be able to improve network throughput by enabling Aspera FASP technology even if the data-transfer delay is less than 50 milliseconds and the packet loss is less than 0.01%.
  2. Obtain and install the appropriate licenses.

    Use these instructions as a starting point. For the latest information about licensing, see technote 7047418.

    Take one of the following actions:

    Obtain and install evaluation licenses
    1. Request the licenses by sending an email to
      • Include your company name, address, phone number, and the email address of the primary contact at your company.
      • State that you require a 30-day evaluation license.
      • Indicate the number of licenses that you require.
      One license is required for each server that is used for data transfer with Aspera FASP technology. For example, if you are replicating a node from a source server to a target server, you require two licenses.

      If the license request is approved, the primary contact can expect to receive an email within 24 hours. The email will have license file attachments that are named according to the following convention:


      where xxxxx is a unique number.

    2. Copy one of the license files to the bin directory of the source server. Select either license file. By default, the directory is in the following location:

    3. Copy the remaining license file to the bin directory of the target server.
    4. On the source and target servers, set the permission level of each license file to 755. For example, if you are using the default installation directory and the unique license number is 47474, issue the following command:
      chmod 755 /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/47474-ConnectSrv-unlim.eval.aspera-license
    Obtain and install full licenses
    1. Purchase the IBM Spectrum Protect™ High Speed Data Transfer product.

      The product package includes two licenses so that you can install the product on both a source and target server. If additional servers will be used for data transfer with Aspera FASP technology, you must obtain a license for each additional server.

    2. Install IBM Spectrum Protect High Speed Data Transfer on each server by following the instructions in the product documentation.
    Restriction: If the required licenses are missing or expired, operations to replicate nodes and protect storage pools by using Aspera FASP technology fail.

What to do next

To enable Aspera FASP technology, follow the steps in Optimizing data transfer by enabling Aspera FASP technology.