UPDATE CLIENTOPT (Update a client option sequence number)

Use this command to update the sequence number of a client option in a client option set.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-UPDate CLIENTOpt--option_set_name--option_name--------------->



option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the option set.
option_name (Required)
Specifies a valid client option.
current_sequence_number (Required)
Specifies the current sequence number of the option.
new_sequence_number (Required)
Specifies the new sequence number of the option.

Example: Update a client option sequence number

To update the current client option sequence number issue the following command:
update clientopt eng dateformat 0 9

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to UPDATE CLIENTOPT
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option set.
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option set.