IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1


Data Protection for SQL: Backup of server servername is complete. Total SQL backups selected: number selected Total SQL backups attempted: number attempted Total SQL backups completed: number completed Total SQL backups excluded: number excluded Total SQL backups deduplicated: number deduplicated Throughput rate: rate Kb/Sec Total bytes inspected: bytes inspected Total bytes transferred: bytes Total LanFree bytes transferred: lanfree bytes Total bytes before deduplication: prededup bytes Total bytes after deduplication: postdedup bytes Data compressed by: compression ratio%% Deduplication reduction: deduplication ratio%% Total data reduction ratio: reduction ratio%% Elapsed processing time: time Secs


This is an informational message written to the Tivoli® Storage Manager Server activity log indicating the end of a backup request.

System action


User response

None Centrally logged
