IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1


Warning! Performing image restore of the Linux file system 'src' to an alternate destination 'dest' is not recommended as this may result in duplicate UUIDs leading to failed mounts after a successful restore.


Performing an image restore of a Linux file system to an alternate destination may result in duplicate UUID leading to failed mounts after a successful restore. On Linux, some file systems use UUID to identify themselves. If you took an image backup of such volume and restored it to a different location, you will have two volumes with the same UUID. If you use UUID to define your file systems in /etc/fstab, be aware that TSM may be unable to mount the restored file system correctly. To avoid such situation, restore the image to its original location.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

If it is not possible or not desirable to avoid performing an image restore to an alternate destination, change the UUID of either the original or restored volume. Refer to your Linux documentation for instructions on how to do this. You may also need to edit your /etc/fstab manually to allow the original, the restored or both volumes to mount.
