IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1


Error processing 'filespace namepath-namefile-name': directory path not found


The operating system returned a "path not found" status when IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager attempted to access the directory. You either have specified a directory that does not exist, as shown in the message (path-name), or the directory being processed no longer exists on the client because another process deleted it before it could be backed up or archived by IBM Tivoli Storage Manager.

System action

The directory is skipped, processing continues

User response

Recheck all spelling and punctuation, particularly the placement of directory delimiters (for example, "\"). Correct the syntax if it is incorrect, then retry the operation. Ensure that the path is specified correctly and that the directory actually exists. Retry the command with the corrected path and directory name. If you cannot correct the directory name, use the Exclude option to exclude the directory from the operation.
