IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1


File 'filespace namepath-namefile-name' is not recognized by the system as a disk file and cannot be processed. The file is skipped.


The client is unable to process file types that are not 'disk', such as 'character' and 'pipe'. This message is typically, but not always, issued for file names that are normally reserved for the operating system. In the Windows environment, reserved names include AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, COMx or LPTx, where 'x' is any digit from 1 to 9 (for example, COM1, LPT3, etc.).

System action

The file is skipped.

User response

Either delete the file if you do not need it, or else use an EXCLUDE statement in the client options to prevent the client from trying to process the file. In the Windows environment, normal delete commands will most likely not work. You will need to prefix the file name with the characters '\\.\'. For example, "del c:\mydir\lpt4" will not work, but "del \\.\c:\mydir\lpt4" will work.
