Terminal profiles

You can control user access to a terminals using profiles in the TERMINAL and GTERMINL resource classes.

This section briefly describes some aspects of terminal profiles that are of interest to CICS® users. For more detailed information about defining and protecting terminals on MVS™ systems, particularly on the following topics, see the z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.
  • Creating a profile in the TERMINAL or GTERMINL class
  • Preventing the use of an undefined terminal
  • Restricting specific groups of users to specific terminals
  • Restricting the days or times when a terminal can be used
  • Using a security label to control a terminal.
You can control user access to a terminal by defining it to RACF®. (User access is determined at CICS sign-on time.) RACF supports two IBM®-supplied resource class names for terminals:
For defining a profile of an individual terminal.
For defining a profile of a group of terminals.
Note: For a GTERMINL profile, RACF always uses an in-storage profile, which must be manually refreshed. Every time you create, change, or delete a GTERMINL profile, you (or the RACF security administrator) must issue a SETROPTS RACLIST(TERMINAL) REFRESH command for the change to take effect.