The CONFDATA setting

You can use CSFE DEBUG to change the value of the CONFDATA system initialization parameter in a running system. Optionally, you can also use it to change the CONFDATA option of a transaction.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCSFE DEBUG,CONFDATA=HIDESHOW,TRANID= xxxx


Sets the value of the CONFDATA system initialization parameter, instructing CICS® whether to to redact user sensitive data from CICS trace entries. For details, see CONFDATA system initialization parameter.
TRANID= xxxx
In addition to setting the CONFDATA system initialization parameter, if you specify a transaction ID with CSFE DEBUG, CONFDATA, you will set the CONFDATA option on the installed transaction with the specified transaction ID as follows:
  • If CONFDATA=SHOW is specified, CONFDATA(NO) is set on the transaction.
  • If CONFDATA=HIDE is specified, CONFDATA(YES) is set on the transaction.

For details of the CONFDATA transaction resource option, see TRANSACTION attributes.

CSFE does not catalog these changes.

Important: Changing CONFDATA to SHOW might expose passwords in the trace. Therefore, it is recommended that you only temporarily change the CONFDATA setting when you want to take a trace that cannot be debugged without sensitive data. Restore CONFDATA to HIDE immediately after the trace has been captured.