CICS-supported conversions

The conversion groups for the supported Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSIDs) are listed. CCSIDs are provided for code page conversion for use with the DFHCCNV conversion program.

For unsupported CCSIDs, you can create your own conversion tables for use with the DFHCCNV conversion program. See User-defined conversion tables.

For nonstandard conversions, you must supply your own conversion program. See User/CICS conversion.

In most cases, CICS Transaction Server for z/OS® can convert character data between ASCII and EBCDIC if both CCSIDs are in the same conversion group. However, some conversions within a conversion group are not supported. For example, when new CCSIDs are defined to extend the character set, conversions between new equivalent ASCII and EBCDIC CCSIDs are supported, but conversions that mix old and new ASCII and EBCDIC CCSIDs might not be supported. An example of this situation is a character set that is extended to include the euro.

Table 1. Conversion groups
Group Countries or regions
Baltic Rim Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Cyrillic Eastern Europe; Bulgaria, Russia, Yugoslavia
Devanagari (Hindi) India
Farsi (Persian) Iran
Greek Greece
Hebrew Israel
Japanese Japan
Korean Korea
Lao Laos


USA, Western Europe, and many other countries
Latin-2 Eastern Europe; Albania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslavia
Latin-5 Turkey
Simplified Chinese Peoples' Republic of China
Thai Thailand
Traditional Chinese Taiwan
Urdu Pakistan
Vietnamese Vietnam