JSON transformer linkable interface containers

The JSON transformer linkable interface is a CICS® supplied program that can be called to perform data transformations to and from JSON. It can create JSON data from structured application data, or structured application data from JSON data.

You can use the linkable interface to transform JSON from any source, whether over a protocol such as WebSphere® MQ or from a JSON database, as compared to the JSON web services support, which is HTTP and provider-mode only.

For more information about JSON, see Concepts of JSON web services.

To use the JSON transformer linkable interface the application program must LINK to the CICS supplied DFHJSON program, with a channel. Containers are used to pass input data to DFHJSON, and to receive output data from DFHJSON, the details of which are provided in subtopics.

CICS provides two mechanisms for transforming structured application data to and from JSON data, one using a JVM server, the other without. The JVM server approach experiences the advantages of the Java™ platform (such as eligibility for zEnterprise® Application Assist Processors (zAAP) where available), the non Java approach avoids the need to configure a JVM server. The application selects which is used by using the DFHJSON_JVMSERVR container. The contents identify the JVM server in which to transform the data, the absence of this container indicates that the non Java transformation service is used.

In order to use this service, you must have a suitable JSONTRANSFRM bundle part that is installed in CICS. These are generated by using the JSON assistants. For more information, see Mapping and transforming application data and JSON.