Defining the map: DFHMDI

After all the fields on your map are defined, you tell BMS that they form a single map by preceding them with a DFHMDI macro.

About this task

This macro tells BMS:
  • The name of the map
  • The size, in rows and columns
  • Where it appears on the screen (you can put several maps on one screen)
  • Whether it uses 3270 extended display attributes and, if so, which ones
  • The defaults for these extended attributes for fields where you have not assigned specific values on the DFHMDF macro
  • Device controls associated with sending the map (such as whether to sound the alarm, unlock the keyboard)
  • The type of device the map supports, if you intend to create multiple versions of the map for different types of devices (see Device-dependent maps )
The map name and size are the critical information about a DFHMDI macro but, for documentation purposes, you should specify your other options explicitly rather than letting them default. The DFHMDI macro for our example might be:
We have named the map QCKMAP. This is the identifier we use in SEND MAP commands. It is 24 lines long, 80 columns wide, and starts in the first column of the first line of the display. We have also indicated that we want to sound the alarm when the map is displayed.