Deploying an application to a platform

To deploy an application to a platform, you export the CICS® Application project and CICS Application Binding project from CICS Explorer® to the platform home directory in zFS. Then you create and install an application definition (APPLDEF) in CICSPlex® SM. Finally, you enable the application and make it available for use..

Before you begin

For an introduction to applications, see How it works: applications. This task assumes that you already:

About this task

You export application artefacts from CICS Explorer to the platform home directory in zFS, and create an application definition. The application definition, which is an APPLDEF resource definition in the data repository for the CICSplex, identifies the location of the application bundle and the target platform where the application runs. You can create the application definition immediately following the export process, or you can create it at a later time.

The following steps outline the procedure. For detailed steps, see Working with applications in the CICS Explorer product documentation.

For information about automating application deployment without using CICS Explorer, see Automate the deployment and undeployment of CICS applications with the DFHDPLOY utility.

Use this procedure for the first installation of a particular application on a platform, when there are no other versions of the application installed on the platform. When you replace an existing version of an application with a new version, follow the procedure in Managing applications.


  1. Using the CICS Cloud perspective in CICS Explorer, export the CICS Application project from CICS Explorer to the platform home directory in zFS for the platform where you want to run the application.
    When you export the CICS Application project, CICS Explorer® also exports the Application Binding project and the CICS bundles associated with the application bundle and application binding to the home directory for the platform on zFS. Any CICS bundles that are already deployed to the platform home directory and installed in the CICSplex at the correct version are not included in the export. For more information about the platform directory structure, see Platform directory structure in z/OS UNIX.
  2. Use the CICS Explorer to create an application definition (APPLDEF).
    This definition points to the location of the application bundle in the platform home directory on zFS and identifies the target platform for the application. You can choose to create an application definition immediately after exporting your platform project, by checking the box in the application export wizard. To create your application definition at another time, use the New Application Definition wizard in the CICS Explorer.
    CICSPlex SM creates an APPLCTN resource to represent the application in the CICSplex, and also creates a record for the application in the data repository, which is used in recovery processing for the bundles for applications. CICSPlex SM uses the information in the application bundle and the application binding to install the CICS bundles in the CICS regions in the platform. The application is initially installed in a disabled state.

    When you install an application in an active platform, CICSPlex SM installs the CICS bundles immediately in all the CICS regions that are defined as part of the platform, and running at the time when you install the application definition. CICSPlex SM also installs the CICS bundles in CICS regions in the platform if you start or restart the regions after the time when you install the application definition. Resources in these CICS bundles will be installed at region start up but might not become fully enabled until after control is returned to CICS . If you add further CICS regions to the platform after the time when you install the application definition, CICSPlex SM installs the CICS bundles in those regions as well.

    The relationship between the application and each installed CICS bundle is saved in a management part. The management part is a MGMTPART record that is created automatically for each CICS bundle during the application install process. It records the CICS regions where the bundle is installed, and tracks the status of the bundle in the CICS regions.

  3. Using the Cloud Explorer view or the online application editor in the CICS Explorer, enable the installed application and check its status.
    An application is initially installed in a disabled state. When you enable an application, CICSPlex SM enables the CICS bundles that were installed for that application in all the CICS regions , but the application is not yet available to callers through its application entry points. If you start or restart a CICS region in the platform after the time when you enable the application, CICSPlex SM installs the bundles in that region in an enabled state.
  4. When you are ready to make the application available to users of the platform, use the Cloud Explorer view or the application descriptor editor in CICS Explorer to make the application available.
    When you make an application available, CICS allows callers to access the application through the CICS resources that are declared as its application entry points. Callers can either access the highest available application version, or use the EXEC CICS INVOKE APPLICATION command to access a specific application version that is available. The availability status of an application is restored if you start or restart a CICS region in the platform after the time when you make the application available.

What to do next

You also add further quality of service by deploying policies to control the application. For more information, see CICS policies.

For more information about managing an application, see Administering platforms and applications.