DFHEX0116 Program check occurred within global trap exit - DFHXCTRA now marked unusable.


After making a trace entry, the external CICS interface (EXCI) trace program DFHXCTRP called the EXCI field engineering global trap program DFHXCTRA. A program check occurred during execution of DFHXCTRA.

System action

The EXCI marks the currently active version of DFHXCTRA as unusable and ignores it on subsequent calls to DFHXCTRP for all subsequent calls made under this TCB. The EXCI request is terminated, and a SYSMDUMP is taken.

User response

Use the dump to find the cause of the program check.

You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See IBM problem support for guidance on how to proceed.

You should use the global trap exit only in consultation with an IBM support representative.



