DFHEX0003 A GETMAIN request in module modname (code X'code') has failed. Reason X'rc'.


An MVS GETMAIN was issued by module modname, but it failed with return code rc.

The code X'code' is the exception trace point ID which uniquely identifies the place where the MVS GETMAIN was issued.

System action

An exception entry is made in the EXCI internal trace table (code X'code' in the message). This is a critical error and the EXCI request is terminated. The external CICS interface attempts to recover to a consistent state so that further EXCI requests can be issued.

For applications using the EXCI CALL API, the EXCI_REASON returned to the application indicates the point of failure.

For applications using the EXCI EXEC API, the point of failure is returned in the EXEC_RESP2 field of the RETCODE area.

For EXCI_REASON and EXCI_RESP of 603, the EXCI module DFHXCPRH also issues abend 0410 which drives the ESTAE exit. Message DFHEX0001 is issued and a SYSMDUMP is taken

User response

Look up the MVS GETMAIN return code rc in the relevant MVS codes manual.

If the reason is insufficient storage, try increasing the size of the region for the batch EXCI job.

You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See IBM problem support for guidance on how to proceed.



