PROFILE attributes

Describes the syntax and attributes of the PROFILE resource.

Note: VTAM® is now z/OS® Communications Server.
specifies whether the application program can control the outbound chaining of request units. If you specify CHAINCONTROL(YES), ONEWTE(YES) means one chain and not one terminal control output request.
You can provide a description of the resource that you are defining in this field. The description text can be up to 58 characters in length. No restrictions apply to the characters that you can use. However, if you use parentheses, ensure that for each left parenthesis there is a matching right parenthesis. If you use the CREATE command, for each single apostrophe in the text, code two apostrophes.
specifies the devices (terminals or logical units) that are to be supported. The access method used by a particular terminal or logical unit is specified in its associated TCTTE.
The profile can be used with any terminal or logical unit.
The profile can be used only with non-z/OS Communications Server terminals.
The profile can be used only with logical units.
This is an optional attribute that specifies the name of an existing (four-character) terminal resource definition to be used as a template for the bridge facility. It can be overridden by specifying FACILITYLIKE in the bridge exit.

There is no default value for this attribute.

If you are running in a CICS® system started with the VTAM=NO system initialization (SIT) parameter, the resource definition specified by FACILITYLIKE must be defined as a remote terminal.

Every resource definition must have a GROUP name. The resource definition becomes a member of the group and is installed in the CICS system when the group is installed.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.

The GROUP name can be up to 8 characters in length. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters.

specifies, for profiles used with logical units, whether a function management header (FMH) received from a logical unit is to be passed to the application program.
All FMHs (except APPC FMHs and LU6.1 ATTACH and SYNCPOINT FMHs that are processed by CICS) are passed to the application program. This value is required for function shipping transactions such as CSMI, transactions which use distributed transaction processing, and for distributed program link requests.
The batch data interchange program (DFHDIP) is to process inbound FMHs. BMS issues a batch data interchange receive request if a BMS receive request has been issued, and a batch data interchange receive request is issued instead of a terminal control receive request.
An FMH is passed to the application program only if it indicates end of data set (EODS).
The FMHs are discarded.
specifies that you want automatic journaling of messages to take place, by giving the identifier of the journal.
No automatic journaling of messages is to take place.
The journal identification to be used for automatic journaling. This can be any number in the range 01 through 99. This number is appended to the letters DFHJ to give a journal identification of the form DFHJnn and this maps to an MVS™ system logger general log stream.
Note: In CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, DFHJ01 is not the system log.
In a transaction routing environment, message journaling is performed in the application-owning region (AOR). Therefore, you should specify the JOURNAL attribute on the transaction profile in the AOR.
specifies whether the design of the application requires that each EXEC CICS RECEIVE request is to be satisfied by a logical record. This option allows existing 2770-and 2780-based application programs to be attached to a batch logical unit (for example, 3790 or 8100) without modification to the program.
specifies the name that identifies a group of sessions for use on an APPC connection. The name can be up to eight characters in length, and must be the name of a z/OS Communications Server LOGMODE entry defined to z/OS Communications Server. It must not be the reserved name SNASVCMG. If you omit the modename, it defaults to blanks. See Defining groups of APPC sessions for more information about z/OS Communications Server modenames.

If a transaction that specifies this profile has been started using an EXEC CICS START command, the MODENAME is used for allocation of the principal facility. If a transaction performs an EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command specifying this profile, the MODENAME is used for allocation of the alternate facility.

If you do not specify a MODENAME, CICS selects a session from any one of the mode sets that have been defined.

The CICS-supplied profile DFHCICSA is used, if PROFILE is not specified on an EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command. For function shipping, the profile DFHCICSF is always used. MODENAME is not specified on the definition for either of these profiles, but you can add a MODENAME if you make your own copy. You must then ensure that the mode sets using your MODENAME have been defined in the TERMINAL or SESSIONS definition for all the systems with which communication takes place using APPC.

If a MODENAME is specified and you want to remove it, delete completely the value previously specified by pressing the ERASE EOF key.

specifies whether a definite response is to be requested with an output request to a logical unit. You cannot specify YES for a pipeline transaction.
specifies which messages are to be automatically journaled. If you specify a value other than NO, you must also supply a value for the JOURNAL attribute.
No message journaling is required.
Journaling is required for input messages.
Journaling is to be performed for output messages.
Journaling is to be performed for input and output messages.
In a transaction routing environment, message journaling is performed in the application-owning region (AOR) for routed APPC (LU type 6.2) sessions, and you should specify the MSGJRNL attribute on the transaction profile in the AOR. For other routed sessions, message journaling is performed in the terminal-owning region (TOR). In this case, you should specify the MSGJRNL attribute on the transaction profile in the TOR.
NEPCLASS({0|nepclass}) (z/OS Communications Server only)
specifies the node error program transaction class. This value overrides the value specified on the TYPETERM and SESSION definitions.
This results in a link to the default node error program module for z/OS Communications Server devices, or is the default value for non-z/OS Communications Server devices.
The transaction class for the (nondefault) node error program module. The value can be in the range 1 through 255. For programming information on the node error program, see Writing a node error program

The NEPCLASS attribute applies only to user transactions, and is ignored for SNASVCMGR sessions.

specifies whether the transaction is permitted only one write operation or EXEC CICS SEND during its execution. YES has the effect of forcing the LAST option on the first write of the transaction. Any additional write requests are treated as errors, and the task is made ready for abnormal termination.

You must specify YES for a PIPELINE transaction.

specifies the level of compatibility required for the generation of data streams to support the printer compatibility option for the BMS SEND TEXT command.
Each line of output starts with a blank character, so that the format is equivalent to that on a 3270 display where an attribute byte precedes each line.
No blank character is inserted, so that forms-feed characters included as the first character of your data are honored and the full width of the printer is available for your data.

If you use the BMS forms feed option, specify YES.

specifies the name of this PROFILE definition. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >
It is preferable not to use names that start with DFH because these characters are reserved for use by CICS.

CICS can delete or discard them and replace them with CICS resources when you upgrade or provide new function or fixes.

Note: If you use a comma (,) in a name, you will be unable to use those commands such as
where the comma serves as a list delimiter. See List of resource identifiers for information about using lists of resource identifiers.

A profile specifies the options that control the interaction between CICS and a terminal or logical unit. A profile name is specified on the transaction definition to indicate the set of options that control the communication between the transaction and its principal terminal. You can also specify a profile name on an EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command to indicate the options that control communication between the transaction and the allocated session.

CICS supplies a number of profile definitions that are suitable for most purposes. For more information, see Defining communication profiles.

This attribute is obsolete, but is supported to provide compatibility with earlier releases of CICS. For more information, see Obsolete attributes retained for compatibility.
RAQ({NO|YES}) (SNA terminals only)
specifies whether the 'read ahead queuing' option is required.
The transaction obeys SNA protocols and only SEND and RECEIVE when in the correct mode. If it does not follow the protocol, it may be abended with code ATCV.
The transaction may not obey SNA protocols, and CICS queues incoming data on temporary storage until the data is specifically requested by the transaction. RAQ(YES) is provided only for compatibility with transactions that support both bisynchronous devices and logical units, and its use is not recommended.
Specifies the timeout value for the read timeout feature. For tasks that are making HTTP client requests using the EXEC CICS WEB API, when this interval has ended, CICS returns a TIMEDOUT response to the application. For other tasks, either the failed command returns a TERMERR or the task that is timed out receives an AKCT , AZCT, or AZIG abend.
The read timeout feature is not required.
This is an interval (MMSS for minutes and seconds) after which the task is terminated if no input has been received from the terminal. The maximum value that can be specified is 70 minutes. If a value is specified and you want to let it default to NO, you must completely delete the value previously specified.
specifies whether the DEFAULT or ALTERNATE buffer size for a 3270 display or printer is to be used. For further information on the choice of screen sizes and buffer sizes, refer to the ALTSCREEN and DEFSCREEN attributes on the TYPETERM definition.
The SCRNSIZE value is ignored if the TYPETERM definition has ALTSCREEN(0,0) and DEFSCREEN(0,0). That is, the screen size is assumed from the related TERMMODEL attribute in the TYPETERM definition; the page size is taken from PAGESIZE, and the ALTPAGE value is ignored. The 3270 erase write (EW) command is inserted for output requests with the ERASE option.
If the TYPETERM definition has nonzero ALTSCREEN, the alternate screen size mode is applied, using the erase write alternate (EWA) command. That is, whenever a terminal output request with the ERASE option is issued, the 3270 EWA command is inserted in the data stream. The ALTSCREEN value is assumed as the screen size, and BMS uses the value in ALTPAGE as the page size.

SCRNSIZE(ALTERNATE) may be used for all CICS service transactions (for example, CSMT).

If the TYPETERM definition has nonzero ALTSCREEN or nonzero DEFSCREEN, the default screen size mode is applied, using the erase write (EW) command. That is, whenever the terminal issues a terminal output request with the ERASE option, the 3270 EW command is inserted in the data stream. The screen size specified in the DEFSCREEN attribute is assumed, and BMS uses the value specified in the PAGESIZE attribute as the page size.
Note: Both DEFAULT and ALTERNATE can be overridden by the DEFAULT and ALTERNATE options on the SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, and SEND CONTROL commands.
UCTRAN({NO|YES}) (z/OS Communications Server only)
specifies whether terminal input is to be translated to uppercase before passing to programs for the transaction using this profile.
You can also request translation to uppercase at the terminal level on the associated TYPETERM definition (see TYPETERM attributes) but be aware of the following points:
  • A TYPETERM UCTRAN(YES) definition overrides a PROFILE UCTRAN(NO) definition. So, if you specify TYPETERM UCTRAN(YES), a PROFILE UCTRAN(NO) has no effect.
  • A PROFILE UCTRAN(YES) definition overrides a TYPETERM UCTRAN(NO) definition.
  • Specifying TYPETERM UCTRAN(TRANID) causes the tranid to be translated to uppercase so that CICS can locate the transaction definition. All other input received by the application is translated according to what is specified for PROFILE UCTRAN.
  • UCTRAN(YES) on a profile definition does not cause translation of the input data until an EXEC CICS RECEIVE or CONVERSE is executed. This means that if the transaction is routed through a dynamic routing program, for example DFHDYP, the copy of the input data passed to the routing program is unaffected by the UCTRAN option of the PROFILE definition.
Note: In a transaction routing environment where your z/OS Communications Server terminals have a remote definition on the AOR, and the AOR has a different UCTRAN value from the TOR, the TOR value of UCTRANST (as specified in an EXEC CICS SET TERMINAL command) overrides that on the AOR.

Table 1 shows which portion of the terminal input is translated (transaction id and/or data) according to the setting of the UCTRAN on the PROFILE and TYPETERM resource definitions.

Table 1. The effect of UCTRAN attributes on tranid and data translation
UCTRAN in PROFILE UCTRAN in TYPETERM TRANID translated? Data Translated?
NO YES Yes Yes

Some national-language characters are not automatically translated when UCTRAN(YES) is specified. If that is the case, you can use one of the methods described in Translating national characters to uppercase.