Monitoring using RMF

You can use the CICS® monitoring facility with the Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) to perform day-to-day monitoring of CICS transaction rates and response times.

The objective of using the CICS monitoring facility with RMF is to enable transaction rates and internal response times to be monitored without incurring the overhead of running the full CICS monitoring facility and associated reporting. This approach may be useful when only transaction statistics are required, rather than the very detailed information that CICS monitoring facility produces. An example of this is the monitoring of a production system where the minimum overhead is required.

ERBRMF member for Monitor I session

This member defines the options that are used on the RMF Monitor I background session. This session does not include transaction reporting as used by CICS, but a Monitor I session has first to be active. A WKLD has to be defined to allow TRX reporting to be activated. For more information on RMF Monitor 1 background session, see Resource Measurement Facility User's Guide.

RMF operations

A RMF job has to be started and this includes the Monitor I session. The RMF job should be started before initializing CICS. The RMF Monitor II session is started by the command F RMF,S aa,MEMBER(xx) where 'aa' indicates alphabetic characters and 'xx' indicates alphanumeric characters.