Giving CICS regions access to z/OS UNIX directories and files

CICS® requires access to directories and files in z/OS® UNIX. During installation, each of your CICS regions is assigned a z/OS UNIX user identifier (UID). The regions are connected to a RACF® group that is assigned a z/OS UNIX group identifier (GID). Use the UID and GID to grant permission for the CICS region to access the directories and files in z/OS UNIX.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are either a superuser on z/OS UNIX, or the owner of the directories and files. The owner of directories and files is initially set as the UID of the system programmer who installs the product. The owner of the directories and files must be connected to the RACF group that was assigned a GID during installation. The owner can have that RACF group as their default group (DFLTGRP) or can be connected to it as one of their supplementary groups.

About this task

z/OS UNIX System Services treats each CICS region as a UNIX user. You can grant user permissions to access z/OS UNIX directories and files in different ways. For example, you can give the appropriate group permissions for the directory or file to the RACF group to which your CICS regions connect. This option might be best for a production environment and is explained in the following steps.


  1. Identify the directories and files in z/OS UNIX to which your CICS regions require access.
    JVM server options Default directories Permission Description
    JAVA_HOME /usr/lpp/java/J7.0_64/bin read and execute IBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java™ Technology Edition directories
    USSHOME /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts53 read and execute The installation directory for CICS files on z/OS UNIX. Files in this directory include sample profiles and CICS-supplied JAR files.
    WORK_DIR /u/CICS region userid read, write, and execute The working directory for the CICS region. This directory contains input, output, and messages from the JVMs.
    JVMPROFILEDIR USSHOME/JVMProfiles/ read and execute Directory that contains the JVM profiles for the CICS region, as specified in the JVMPROFILEDIR system initialization parameter.
    WLP_USER_DIR WORK_DIR/APPLID/JVMSERVER/wlp/usr/ read and execute Specifies the directory that contains the configuration files for the Liberty JVM server.
    WLP_OUTPUT_DIR WLP_USER_DIR/servers read, write, and execute Specifies the output directory for the Liberty JVM server.
    Note: WLP_USER_DIR needs additional x permissions (read, write, execute) if Liberty JVM server autoconfigure is used as CICS must be able to write to server.xml.
  2. List the directories and files to show the permissions.
    Go to the directory where you want to start, and issue the following UNIX command:
    ls -la
    If this command is issued in the z/OS UNIX System Services shell environment when the current directory is the home directory of CICSHT##, you might see a list such as the following example:
    /u/cicsht##:>ls -la                                       
    total 256                                                          
    drwxr-xr-x   2 CICSHT## CICSTS53     8192 Mar 15  2008 .           
    drwx------   4 CICSHT## CICSTS53     8192 Jul  4 16:14 ..          
    -rw-------   1 CICSHT## CICSTS53     2976 Dec  5  2010 Snap0001.trc
    -rw-r--r--   1 CICSHT## CICSTS53     1626 Jul 16 11:15 dfhjvmerr   
    -rw-r--r--   1 CICSHT## CICSTS53        0 Mar 15  2010 dfhjvmin    
    -rw-r--r--   1 CICSHT## CICSTS53      458 Oct  9 14:28 dfhjvmout   
  3. If you are using the group permissions to give access, check that the group permissions for each of the directories and files give the level of access that CICS requires for the resource.
    Permissions are indicated, in three sets, by the characters r, w, x and -. These characters represent read, write, execute, and none, and are shown in the left column of the command line, starting with the second character. The first set are the owner permissions, the second set are the group permissions, and the third set are other permissions.
    In the previous example, the owner has read and write permissions to dfhjvmerr, dfhjvmin, and dfhjvmout, but the group and all others have only read permissions.
  4. If you want to change the group permissions for a resource, use the UNIX command chmod.
    The following example sets the group permissions for the named directory and its subdirectories and files to read, write, and execute. -R applies permissions recursively to all subdirectories and files:
    chmod -R g=rwx directory
    The following example sets the group permissions for the named file to read and execute:
    chmod g+rx filename
    The following example turns off the write permission for the group on two named files:
    chmod g-w filename filename
    In all these examples, g designates group permissions. If you want to correct other permissions, u designates user (owner) permissions, and o designates other permissions.
  5. Assign the group permissions for each resource to the RACF group that you chose for your CICS regions to access z/OS UNIX. You must assign group permissions for each directory and its subdirectories, and for the files in them.
    Enter the following UNIX command:
    chgrp -R GID directory
    GID is the numeric GID of the RACF group and directory is the full path of a directory to which you want to assign the CICS regions permissions.
    For example, to assign the group permissions for the /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts53 directory, use the following command:
    chgrp -R GID /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts53
    Because your CICS region user IDs are connected to the RACF group, the CICS regions have the appropriate permissions for all these directories and files.


You have ensured that CICS has the appropriate permissions to access the directories and files in z/OS UNIX to run Java applications.

When you change the CICS facility that you are setting up, such as moving files or creating new files, remember to repeat this procedure to ensure that your CICS regions have permission to access the new or moved files.

What to do next

Verify that your Java support is set up correctly using the sample programs and profiles.