Rules for coding JVM profiles

You can edit JVM profiles using any standard text editor. Follow these rules when coding your JVM profiles.

Name of a JVM profile
  • The name can be up to eight characters in length.
  • The name can be any name that is valid for a file in z/OS® UNIX System Services. Do not use a name beginning with DFH, because these characters are reserved for use by CICS®.
  • Because JVM profiles are UNIX files, case is important. When you specify the name in CICS, you must enter it using the same combination of uppercase and lowercase characters that is present in the z/OS UNIX file name.
  • JVM profiles on the file system must have the file extension .jvmprofile. The file extension is set to lowercase and must not be changed.

Do not use quotation marks when specifying values for directories in a JVM profile.


The CEDA panels accept mixed case input for the JVMPROFILE field irrespective of your terminal UCTRAN setting. However, you must enter the name of a JVM profile in mixed case when you use CEDA from the command line or when you use another CICS transaction. Ensure that your terminal is correctly configured with uppercase translation suppressed. You can use the supplied CEOT transaction to alter the uppercase translation status (UCTRAN) for your own terminal, for the current session only.

Case sensitivity

All parameter keywords and operands are case-sensitive, and must be specified exactly as shown in Options for JVMs in a CICS environment and JVM system properties.

Class path separator character

Use the : (colon) character to separate the directory paths that you specify on a class path option, such as CLASSPATH_SUFFIX.

For JVM options the value is delimited by the end of the line in the text file. If a value that you are entering or editing is too long for an editor window, you can break the line to avoid scrolling. To continue on the next line, terminate the current line with the backslash character and a blank continuation character, as in this example:

Do not put more than one JVM option on the same line.


To add comments or to comment out an option instead of deleting it, begin each line of the comment with a # symbol. Comment lines are ignored when the file is read by the JVM launcher.

Blank lines are also ignored. You can use blank lines as a separator between options or groups of options.

The profile parsing code removes inline comments based on UNIX-like shell processing, so the documentation process of the sample JVM profile is improved. An inline comment is defined as follows:
  • The comment starts with a # symbol
  • It is preceded with one or more spaces (or tabs)
  • It is not contained in quoted text
Table 1. Inline comment examples
Code Result
MYVAR=myValue # Comment MYVAR=myValue
MYVAR=#myValue # Comment MYVAR=#myValue
MYVAR=myValue "# Quoted comment" # Comment MYVAR=myValue "# Quoted comment"
Character escape sequences
You can code the escape sequences shown in Table 2
Table 2. Escape sequences
Escape sequence Character value
\b Backspace
\t Horizontal tab
\n Newline
\r Carriage return
\" Double quotation mark
\' Single quotation mark
\\ Backslash
\xxx The character corresponding to the octal value xxx, where xxx is between values 000 - 377
\uxxxx The Unicode character with encoding xxxx, where xxxx is 1 - 4 hexadecimal digits. (See note for more information.)
Note: Unicode \u escapes are distinct from the other escape types. The Unicode escape sequences are processed before the other escape sequences described in Table 2. A Unicode escape is an alternative way to represent a character that might not be displayable on non-Unicode systems. The character escapes, however, can represent special characters in a way that prevents the usual interpretation of those characters.
Multiple instances of options

If more than one instance of the same option is included in a JVM profile, the value for the last option found is used, and previous values are ignored.

Storage sizes
When specifying storage-related options in a JVM profile, specify storage sizes in multiples of 1024 bytes. Use the letter K to indicate KB, the letter M to indicate MB, and the letter G to indicate GB. For example, to specify 6 291 456 bytes as the initial size of the heap, code -Xms in one of the following ways: