CICS Liberty defaulted settings

When Liberty is configured, by default, two configuration settings are applied but are not visible in server.xml.

Defaulted configuration settings

If you wish to use different settings than the two non-visible defaulted settings, you can specify them in server.xml. The two settings are:

  • <applicationManager autoExpand="true"/> This setting causes application file archives to be automatically expanded into the ${server.config.dir}/apps directory on first use. This avoids expansion of file archives into the Liberty work area on server startup, reducing zFS file I/O and making more efficient use of the Java shared class cache. If you wish to override this setting and switch it off, then you should place the XML element: <applicationManager autoExpand="false"/> in your server.xml file.
  • <transaction recoverOnStartup="true" waitForRecovery="true"/> These settings specify that following a server failure, transaction recovery should occur at server startup, and the server should wait for recovery to complete before permitting further transactional work. See Configuring the transaction service startup for more information.