Manually creating a Liberty server

Manually creating a Liberty server in zFS for the JVM server.


  1. Create the Liberty server directory structure in zFS for the JVM server.
    The JVM server expects configuration files to be in the WLP_USER_DIR/servers/server_name directory, where WLP_USER_DIR is the value of the WLP_USER_DIR option and server_name is the value of the property. The server_name property is always prefixed with -D. For more information on these server options, see JVM server options.
  2. Create the Liberty server configuration in the server_name directory.
    As a minimum, you must create the server.xml file. You can base it on the template that is supplied as wlp/templates/servers/defaultServer/server.xml in the installation directory of Liberty. This file must be saved in the ASCII file encoding of ISO-8859-1 and tagged with this encoding using the UNIX command chtag -c ISO8859-1 -t <file>.
  3. Edit the server.xml file for your installation.
    Update the <httpEndpoint> with the host name and port number. For information about configuring server.xml in a JVM server, see Manually tailoring server.xml. If you want to use security, see Configuring security for a Liberty JVM server.
    Attention: The server.xml file configures a single Liberty JVM server. Do not attempt to share a server.xml file among two or more Liberty JVM servers.