Defining links for multiregion operation

This section describes how to define an interregion communication connection between the local CICS® system and another CICS region in the same operating system.

Note: The external CICS interface (EXCI) uses a specialized form of MRO link, that is described in Defining links for use by the external CICS interface. This present section describes MRO links between CICS systems. However, most of its contents apply also to EXCI links, except where noted otherwise in Defining links for use by the external CICS interface.

From the point of view of the local CICS system, each session on the link is characterized as either a SEND session or a RECEIVE session. SEND sessions are used to carry an initial request from the local to the remote system and to carry any subsequent data flows associated with the initial request. Similarly, RECEIVE sessions are used to receive initial requests from the remote system.