This exit is invoked for a program instance brought into storage, before the program becomes available.

When invoked
After an instance of a program is brought into storage, and before the program is made available for use.
Exit-specific parameters
Address of an 8-character field containing the name of the program that is being loaded.
Address of a 4-byte field containing the length, in bytes, of the program that is being loaded.
Address of a 4-byte field containing the address at which the program has been loaded.
Address of a 4-byte field containing the address of the program's entry point.
Zero, or the address of a 4-byte field containing the transaction ID which applied when the exit was invoked.
Zero, or the address of an 8-byte field containing the userid in control at the time the exit was invoked.
Zero, or the address of a 4-byte field containing the terminal name associated with the transaction under which the exit was invoked.
Zero, or the address of an 8-character field containing the name of the program that was in control at the time the exit was invoked.
Zero, or the address of a 140-byte field containing the application context when a private program belonging to an application is loaded. The field contains:
  1. The platform name, padded with spaces to 64 characters.
  2. The application name, padded with spaces to 64 characters.
  3. The major version number for the application, which is a fullword binary value.
  4. The minor version number for the application, which is a fullword binary value.
  5. The micro version number for the application, which is a fullword binary value.
CICS® supplies a DSECT named DFHUEACD which maps this information. For more information about DFHUEACD, see UEACD - User exit application context.
Return codes
Continue processing.
XPI calls
Must not be used.
API and SPI calls
Must not be used.