Sending BMS mapped output

Before you can send BMS mapped output, you must perform the following steps to move the output data into the map structure.

About this task

When you have assembled your symbolic map set, you are ready to code. The example used in Creating the map describes how you get data from an application program to a map. This process is discussed in greater detail now, describing all the steps that must be performed, and telling you more about the options you have.

You must perform the following steps to produce mapped output:


  1. Acquire storage in which to build the map.
  2. Copy the symbolic map set so that it defines the structure of this storage.
  3. Initialize it.
  4. Move the output data into the map structure.
  5. Set the field attributes.
  6. Write the map to the screen with a SEND MAP command, adding any device control information required.

What to do next