Rules for specifying symbols and symbol lists

Each symbol has a name and a value. Follow these rules for selecting the symbol name and specifying values for symbols, either individually or in a symbol list.

Symbol names

The name of a symbol must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and the special characters dollar ($), underscore (_), hyphen (-), number sign (#), period (.) and at sign (@). The name is case-sensitive, so uppercase letters are regarded as different from lowercase letters.

To include a symbol in a document template, it can be specified as a symbol reference, which is the name of the symbol preceded with an ampersand (&) and terminated with a semicolon (;). Alternatively, the name of the symbol can be specified using the #echo command. When you specify the name of the symbol in your application, do not use an ampersand and semicolon. For example, the symbol reference &mytitle; in a template corresponds to the symbol name mytitle in a symbol list.

Separator in a symbol list

The SYMBOLLIST option on the DOCUMENT CREATE and DOCUMENT SET commands specifies a character string consisting of one or more definitions with single byte separators. By default, the symbol separator is an ampersand, but you can override this by using the DELIMITER option on the commands. Try to choose a symbol separator that will never be used within a symbol value in the symbol list, as special handling is required if you want to use the symbol separator within a symbol value. A non-printable character could be used.

There are several disallowed DELIMITER values. The disallowed values are:
  • null (binary X'00')
  • shift in (binary X'0E')
  • shift out (binary X'0F')
  • space (binary X'40')
  • plus sign (binary X'4E')
  • colon (binary X'7A')
  • equals (binary X'7E')
  • percent sign (binary X'6C')
  • backslash (binary X'E0')

Special characters in symbol values

The values of symbols can contain any characters. However, special handling is required if you need to include the following characters in symbol values:
  • The plus sign (+).
  • The percent sign (%).
  • The equals sign (=).
  • The character that you have used as the symbol separator for a symbol list. Special handling is only required for this character when the symbol definition is provided in a symbol list, and does not apply when you use the DOCUMENT SET command to set an individual symbol value with the SYMBOL and VALUE options.

In the symbol value, you can use escape sequences to include characters such as these that have a special meaning. An escape sequence consists of the percent sign, followed by two characters that are hexadecimal digits (that is, 0–9, a-f, and A-F). When the symbol values are put into the symbol table, the percent sign and the two hexadecimal digits following it are replaced by the EBCDIC equivalent of the single ASCII character denoted by the two digits.

Some useful combinations are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Escape sequences that can be used to represent special symbols
Character Escape sequence
Plus sign + %2B
Percent sign % %25
Equals sign = %3D
Ampersand & (default symbol separator) %26
If the characters following the percent sign are not two valid hexadecimal digits, the percent sign and the following characters are put into the symbol table as they appear in the symbol list.

If you prefer not to use escape sequences, you can specify the UNESCAPED option on the DOCUMENT CREATE or DOCUMENT SET command. When you specify this option, no conversion takes place, and the symbol values are put into the symbol table exactly as you entered them.

However, the UNESCAPED option does not allow you to include the character that you have used as the symbol separator, within a symbol value in a symbol list. If you want to use the UNESCAPED option, choose a symbol separator that will never be used within a symbol value. Alternatively, you can use the SYMBOL and VALUE options on the DOCUMENT SET command to specify symbol values that contain the character you have used as the symbol separator, because the symbol separator has no special meaning when used in the VALUE option.

Spaces in symbol values

If you want to include a space character in a symbol value, CICS® allows you to use any of the following representations:
  • A space character.
  • A percent sign followed by the hexadecimal digits 20 (%20).
  • A plus sign.
Any of these representations is interpreted as a space when the symbol value is put into the symbol table. This extends the HTML specification for the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, which uses a plus sign.

However, you cannot use a plus sign or the escape sequence %20 to indicate a space character when the UNESCAPED option is used to prevent CICS from unescaping symbol values contained in a symbol list or in the VALUE option. In these cases, you must use a space character to indicate a space, because plus signs are not converted to spaces when the UNESCAPED option is used.

Example: defining symbols without escape sequences

This example shows you how to pass symbol values to the document handler without using escape sequences. The symbol values in this list contain embedded plus signs, percent signs, and ampersands, none of which are to undergo unescape processing.

In this example, the symbol COMPANY has a value of 'BLOGGS & SON', and the symbol ORDER has a value of 'NUTS+BOLTS'.

The use of a character other than the ampersand as the symbol separator means that an ampersand can be used in 'BLOGGS & SON'. The symbol separator used in this example is '!', but it is best to use a non-printable character that does not appear in the symbol value.

The use of the UNESCAPED option ensures that the plus sign in 'NUTS+BOLTS' does not get converted to a space. Because the UNESCAPED option has been used, you must use a space character, rather than a plus sign, to indicate where spaces are required in the symbol value 'BLOGGS & SON'. This means that the data no longer conforms to the specification for the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.