Retrieve values from an APPC basic conversation (assembler-language and C programs only).


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramGDS EXTRACT PROCESSCONVID( name)PROCNAME( data-area)PROCLENGTH( data-area)MAXPROCLEN( data-value)SYNCLEVEL( data-area)PIPLIST( pointer-ref)PIPLENGTH( data-area)RETCODE( data-area)


GDS EXTRACT PROCESS retrieves values from an APPC basic conversation. The data retrieved is valid only when the command is issued against an APPC basic principal facility.

The return code is given in RETCODE (see Table 1). For a list of return code values, see the Return codes for APPC basic conversations . EXEC CICS® conditions are never raised on GDS commands.


In general, the arguments can be replaced by absolute or relocatable assembler-language expressions.

identifies the conversation the command relates to. The 4-character name identifies the token representing the principal session (returned by a previously executed GDS ASSIGN command).
specifies the length (1–64 characters) of the PROCNAME data area. If MAXPROCLEN is not specified, the buffer is assumed to have 32 bytes.
specifies a halfword binary data area that is to receive the length of the PIPLIST received by a GDS EXTRACT PROCESS command.
specifies the pointer reference that is to be set to the address of the PIPLIST received by a GDS EXTRACT PROCESS command. A zero setting indicates that no PIPLIST was received.
specifies a halfword binary data area that is set to the actual length of the process name.
specifies the application target data area (1–64 bytes) into which the process name, specified in the APPC attach function management header, is to be moved. The area is padded with blanks, if necessary.
specifies the 6-byte application data area into which return code information (shown in Table 1) is to be moved.
specifies a halfword binary data area that is set to indicate the synchronization level in effect for the current conversation. The possible values are:
  • 0 None
  • 1 Confirm
  • 2 Syncpoint

Table 1. GDS EXTRACT PROCESS return codes
RETCODE (hexadecimal) Description
03 00 CONVID is for a session that is not APPC.
03 00 CONVID is for a session that is in use by CPI Communications.
03 00 CONVID is for a session that is not the principal facility.
03 00 Principal facility was not started by terminal data.
03 04 CONVID is for a conversation that is not basic.
04 CONVID is for a session that is not allocated to the task, or that is a relay link.
05 00 00 00 00 20 PROCLENGTH value returned is greater than MAXPROCLEN value.