Used By view

You can further explore a resource from any view where a resource is available. You can view the programs and the transactions that are using the resource, and the associated regions.

Use the Used By menu options to show the regions in which the program or transaction is being used. You can analyze the use of each program or transaction across all regions or specific regions.

Screen capture of the Programs view with menu options Used By Programs, Used By Transactions, Show Affinities By Type, Uses Resources and, Asset details. The Used By Programs option is selected and displays another menu that includes All Regions and Specific Region...

This menu is also available from the Search toolbar. Click Search > Used By.

If you select one of the options in the Used By menu, information is displayed in the Used By view:

A screen capture of the Used By view showing a resource use tree.

The use tree of the resource is shown in the Used By view. The previous screen capture shows the uses of the program LGIPOL01.

You can quickly recall previous search results in the Used By view. Even when you make a new selection, the results are shown by using the back Yellow arrow left and forward Yellow arrow rightarrows. The resource currently being analyzed is displayed in the view.

Screen capture of the Used By view that shows the resource that is currently being analyzed. In this case Programs using Program(LGIPOL01) in All regions.

where_used.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Sunday, 9 June 2019