Setting up the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter

Complete these tasks to make the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter available to your CICS® region.

Before you begin

If you are not familiar with defining resources in CICS, refer to this information:


  1. Include the WebSphere® MQ library thlqual.SCSQAUTH in the STEPLIB concatenation in your CICS procedure. Include the library after the CICS libraries to ensure that the correct code is used.
    thlqual is the high-level qualifier for the WebSphere MQ libraries.
  2. Include the following WebSphere MQ libraries in the DFHRPL concatenation in your CICS procedure. Include the libraries after the CICS libraries to ensure that the correct code is used.
    • thlqual.SCSQCICS
    • thlqual.SCSQLOAD
    • thlqual.SCSQAUTH
    thlqual is the high-level qualifier for the WebSphere MQ libraries.
    If you are using the CICS-WebSphere MQ API-crossing exit (CSQCAPX), also add the name of the library that contains the load module for the program.
    The SCSQCICS library is required only if you want to run WebSphere MQ supplied samples. Otherwise it can be removed from the CICS procedure.
  3. Install an MQCONN resource for the CICS region.
    The MQCONN resource specifies the attributes of the connection between CICS and WebSphere MQ, including the name of the default WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group for the connection. For more information, see .
  4. If you want the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter to connect automatically to WebSphere MQ during CICS initialization, choose and specify one of the following methods:
    • Specify the CICS system initialization parameter MQCONN=YES, which is the recommended way to connect to WebSphere MQ automatically.
    • Include the DFHMQCOD program in your CICS PLTPI list, following the instructions in . The PLTPI list is the program list table (PLT) with the suffix that you specify on the PLTPI system initialization parameter.
    • Write your own program, following the instructions in , and include it in your CICS PLTPI list, following the instructions in .

    An MQCONN resource definition must be installed before CICS can start the connection to WebSphere MQ. When you start the connection automatically at CICS initialization, for an initial or cold start, the MQCONN resource definition must be present in one of the groups named in the list or lists named by the GRPLIST system initialization parameter. For a warm or emergency start of CICS, the MQCONN resource definition must have been installed by the end of the previous CICS run.

  5. If you are using the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter in a CICS system that has interregion communication (IRC) to remote CICS systems, ensure that the IRC facility is OPEN before you start the adapter, by specifying the CICS system initialization parameter IRCSTRT=YES.
    The IRC facility must be OPEN if the IRC access method is defined as cross-memory; that is, ACCESSMETHOD(XM).
  6. Ensure that the coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) used by your queue manager and by CICS, and the UTF-8 and UTF-16 code pages are configured to z/OS® conversion services.
    The CICS code page is specified in the LOCALCCSID system initialization parameter.
  7. Update your CICS CSD as follows:
    1. If you do not share your CSD with earlier releases of CICS, remove the groups CSQCAT1 and CSQCKB, and any copies of those groups or of items from those groups, from your CSD. You must also delete the CKQQ TDQUEUE from group CSQCAT1.
      The definition for CKQQ is now supplied in the CICS CSD group DFHDCTG.
    2. If you do share your CSD with earlier CICS releases, ensure that CSQCAT1 and CSQCKB, and any copies of those groups or of their content, are not installed for CICS TS 4.1 or CICS TS 3.2. You must also delete the CKQQ TDQUEUE from group CSQCAT1.
      The definition for CKQQ is now supplied in the CICS CSD group DFHDCTG.
      For CICS TS releases earlier than CICS TS 3.2, install the CSQCAT1 and CSQCKB groups as part of a group list, after installing DFHLIST, to override group DFHMQ and correctly install the required definitions.
  8. If you want to install the CSQ4SAMP sample, which contains the definitions for sample application programs, into your CSD, add this fragment of JCL to your CSD upgrade (DFHCSDUP) job:
    //       DD *
        ADD GROUP(CSQ4SAMP) LIST(yourlist)
    where yourlist is a list of groups to be installed by CICS during a cold start of the system, specified in the GRPLIST system initialization parameter for CICS.
    Note: If you use the CEDA transaction to install redefined adapter resources in an active CICS system, you must first shut down the adapter and wait until the alert monitor has finished its work.
  9. Update the WebSphere MQ definitions for the dead-letter queue, default transmission queue, and CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter objects.
    You can use the sample CSQ4INYG, but you might need to change the initiation queue name to match the default initiation queue name in the MQINI resource definition for your CICS region. You can use this member in the CSQINP2 DD concatenation of the queue manager startup procedure, or you can use it as input to the COMMAND function of the CSQUTIL utility to issue the required DEFINE commands. Using the CSQUTIL utility is preferable because you do not then have to redefine these objects each time that you restart WebSphere MQ.