PARTNER attributes

Describes the syntax and attributes of the PARTNER resource.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramPARTNER( name)GROUP( groupname)DESCRIPTION( text)NETNAME( netname)NETWORK( network)PROFILE(DFHCICSA)PROFILE( profile)TPNAME( tpname)XTPNAME( xtpname)
You can provide a description of the resource that you are defining in this field. The description text can be up to 58 characters in length. No restrictions apply to the characters that you can use. However, if you use parentheses, ensure that for each left parenthesis there is a matching right one. If you use the CREATE command, for each single apostrophe in the text, code two apostrophes.
Every resource definition must have a GROUP name. The resource definition becomes a member of the group and is installed in the CICS system when the group is installed.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.

The GROUP name can be up to 8 characters in length. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters.

is the netname of the logical unit on which the partner application program is running. It matches the NETNAME attribute specified in the CONNECTION definition. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
You can use this optional attribute to specify the name of the network on which the partner LU is located. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
specifies the name of this PARTNER definition. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
It is preferable not to use names that start with DFH because these characters are reserved for use by CICS for PROGRAM, FILE and JVMSERVER. CICS can delete or discard them and replace them with CICS resources when you upgrade or provide new function or fixes. For PROGRAM and FILE, the DFH limit is policed when you are creating in a bundle, and issues a warning when you are creating it online. For JVMSERVER, there is no DFH limit and no warning when you are creating in a bundle, or when you are creating it online.

A partner definition specifies the SAA communications interface information required to establish a conversation with a partner program. For further guidance on this, see Common Programming Interface Communications Reference.

specifies the name of the PROFILE definition which is to be used for the session and conversation. The default PROFILE is DFHCICSA. The name can be up to 8 characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >
specifies the name of the remote transaction program that will be running on the partner LU. The definition of a remote TP name is mandatory; you must specify either TPNAME or its alternative, XTPNAME. This name can be up to 64 characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >
If this range of characters is not sufficient for a name that you want to specify, you may use the XTPNAME attribute instead of TPNAME.
This attribute may be used as an alternative to TPNAME; you must specify one of the two, because the definition of a remote TP name is mandatory.

Enter a hexadecimal string up to 128 characters in length, representing the name of the remote transaction program that runs on the partner LU. All hexadecimal combinations are acceptable except X'40'.

To specify an XTPNAME more than 72 characters long to DFHCSDUP, put an asterisk in column 72. This causes the following line to be concatenated.