XLT—transaction list table

The transaction list table specifies transactions that can be initiated from terminals during system termination, and groups of transactions that you want to enable or disable together. Use a TRANSACTION resource in preference to XLT.

The XLT can be used to define:
  • A list of transaction identifications that can be initiated from terminals during the first quiesce stage of system termination. If there are no PLT programs to execute, the first quiesce time can be short, thus giving little time to enter any XLT program before going into the second quiesce stage. You specify the suffix of the table to be used with the XLT system initialization parameter. The master terminal operator can change the suffix at system termination, using the XLT option of the CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN command.
    Note: As an alternative, you can create a PROGRAM resource to define the transaction list table. Defining it as a program also means that it can be autoinstalled; see Autoinstalling programs, map sets, and partition sets for information on autoinstall for programs.
  • A group of transaction identifications to be disabled or enabled through the master terminal. The master terminal operator specifies the suffix of the table to be used, using the CLASS option of the CEMT SET TRANSACTION command.

Figure 1 illustrates the coding to create a XLT.

The following macros are available to define the XLT entries:
  • Control section—DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL
  • Entries in transaction list table—DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY
  • End of transaction list table—DFHXLT TYPE=FINAL (see TYPE=FINAL (end of table))