CICS facilities that use 64-bit storage

The CICS® facilities that use 64-bit storage and the amount of storage that each facility requires are listed. You can use this information when you estimate a suitable MEMLIMIT value for your CICS region.

The following table lists CICS facilities that use 64-bit storage and the relevant CICS storage subpools, and indicates the amount of storage that each facility requires. You can identify the facilities that you use in your CICS region that require 64-bit storage. You can then examine the storage requirement for those facilities and use this information to estimate a suitable value for the z/OS® MEMLIMIT parameter.

Table 1. CICS facilities that use 64-bit storage
CICS facility Storage use CICS subpool for storage Notes
Application context data control blocks 220 bytes for each program that is defined as an application entry point. PGPPTE64  
Association data control blocks Approximately 1 KB for each active task. MN_ADCS  
CICS management client interface (CMCI) For the details to estimate storage requirements, see Estimating storage requirements for CMCI. WU_64 The storage is used for retained results and metadata.
CICSPlex® SM API result sets The size of the result set depends on the application. CPSM_64 For information about result sets, see Working with result sets.
Console queue processing 1 MB per subpool
Containers and channels Limited to 5% of the MEMLIMIT value per transaction. PGCSDB The storage remains in use until an application deletes the container.
Event processing   EP_64 The storage is used for control blocks for items in event capture queues.
Internal trace table
Minimum 16 KB
Maximum 1 GB
Default 4096 KB
Controlled by the TRTABSZ system initialization parameter.
MVS™ storage outside the CICS DSAs  
JVM servers

Apart from the values in -Xmx and -Xcmsx, the amount of storage is variable.

MVS storage outside the CICS DSAs  
Loader control blocks Variable
The storage used depends on the number of program load operations in the CICS region.
Start of changeLoader control blocks for installed application elements (IAE)End of change Start of change368 bytes for each IAEEnd of change Start of changeLD_IAESEnd of change Start of changeEach installed application element represents a particular version of an application that is deployed on a platform.End of change
Main temporary storage
Minimum 1 MB
Maximum 32 GB
Default 64 MB
Controlled by the TSMAINLIMIT system initialization parameter.

TSMAINLIMIT specifies the maximum storage that can be used, and is limited to 25% of the MEMLIMIT value. The CICS statistics show actual use.
Managed Platform Start of change896 bytes for each user taskEnd of change
Storage in the DFHMPMDR and DFHMPPMB subpools is used for control blocks for installed policies. It remains in use until the bundle that defines the policy is disabled.

Storage in the DFHMPTAS subpool contains the policy counters for a task. It is allocated for every user task if any polices are installed in the CICS region. The storage is freed at task end.

Message tables Minimum 3 MB for the message modules in English.

Add 1 MB if the user message table is loaded.

Add 3 MB for each additional language that is loaded.

MVS storage outside the CICS DSAs Message modules in English are always loaded.
Start of changeStatic data item control blocksEnd of change Start of changeVariableEnd of change Start of changeMPSTATEnd of change Start of changeUsed if a policy rule with an event action defines static data capture items.End of change
Storage allocation control blocks Variable MVS storage outside the CICS DSAs Storage used depends on the amount of storage allocation activity in your system; for example, more storage is required for subpools that keep an element chain and that have many small records.
Transaction dump trace table
Minimum 16 KB
Maximum 1 GB
Default 1024 KB
Controlled by the TRTRANSZ system initialization parameter.
MVS storage outside the CICS DSAs CICS obtains this storage only when a transaction dump is produced.
z/OS XML System Services (XMLSS) parser I/O buffers   ML64GNRL A number of facilities, including CICS web services, use the parser for XML parsing.