Interacting with structured data from Java

CICS® Java™ programs often interact with data that was originally designed for use with other programming languages. For example, a Java program might link to a COBOL program by using a COMMAREA defined in a COBOL copybook, or read a record from a VSAM file where the data is defined by using an assembler language DSECT.

Importing structured data into Java

You can use an importer to generate Java classes that facilitate the interaction with structured record data from other languages. The importers map the data types that are contained in the language structure source so that your Java application can easily set and get individual fields in the underlying record structure.

You can use the IBM® Record Generator for Java or the Rational® Java EE Connector (J2C) Tools to interact with data to produce a Java class so that you can pass data between Java and other programs in CICS.

IBM Record Generator for Java V3.0

IBM Record Generator for Java is a stand-alone utility that generates Java helper classes based on the associated-data (ADATA) files that are produced from compiling COBOL copybooks or assembler DSECTs. These Java helper classes can then be used in a Java application to marshal data to and from the COBOL-specific or assembler language-specific record structures.

For more information, see IBM Record Generator for Java V3.0.0.

Rational J2C Tools

The Rational J2C tools, resource adapters, and file importers enable you to create J2C artifacts, which you can use to create enterprise applications that connect to enterprise information systems such as CICS. To use the Rational J2C Tools, you require Rational Application Developer for WebSphere® Software or IBM Developer for z Systems®.

The J2C Tools CICS/IMS Data Binding wizard generates Java classes that map to COBOL, PL/I, or C application program data structures, by using a customizable Eclipse based wizard. These helper classes can then be used in a Java application to marshal data to and from the language-specific record structures.

For more information, see Connecting to enterprise information systems.